Wednesday, 28 February 2018
AriseBank ICO Fraud Case May Ensnare Additional Parties
A court filing indicates that the SEC-appointed receiver for AriseBank is searching for undisclosed assets and investigating third-party involvement.
via CoinDesk
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Subpoenas Signal S.E.C. Crackdown on Initial Coin Offerings
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SAFE Crossroads #41, App Devs Jump In, with Shane Armstrong
With the SAFE Alpha 2 Network running for some months now, providing a stable, improving interface for developers to work with and learn to use the SAFE APIs, a lot of development activity is taking place by independent App Developers.
Our guest for this episode is Shane Armstrong, an experienced and successful software engineer who recently discovered the SAFE Network and has jumped right in and started developing and implementing important apps for the network.
We discuss his perspective as an experienced engineer approaching the SAFE development process and the network as a whole, the tools in place to speed developers' interface and exploitation of the network, and why he sees the network's implementation as so important.
Music for this episode: Safe Crossroads Beta, an original piece composed and performed by Nicholas Koteskey of Two Faced Heroes
SAFE CMS post on the SAFE Network forum
SAFE Network School podcast series
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via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network
Germany Won't Tax You for Buying a Cup of Coffee With Bitcoin
Unlike the U.S., Germany will regard bitcoin as equivalent to legal tender when used as a means of payment, according to a new government document.
via CoinDesk
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Genesis Trading Launches Crypto Lending Service for Investors
Genesis Global Capital will allow investors to borrow crypto in quantities of $100,000 or more for terms ranging from two weeks to six months.
via CoinDesk
Square: Murky Crypto Accounting Rules Pose Risk
In its most recent annual filing, Square explains how uncertainty surrounding accounting guidelines for cryptocurrency may affect its bottom line.
via CoinDesk
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UK Bank HSBC Might Soon Pilot Live Blockchain Payments
Executives from HSBC Bank revealed in a conference call this week they intend to pilot projects for blockchain-based transactions.
via CoinDesk
Meet the 'Sovereign': Marshall Islands Government to Issue Crypto Token
The tiny Republic of the Marshall Islands plans to sell a cryptocurrency, known as the Sovereign, to supplement the U.S. dollar as its legal tender.
via CoinDesk
How Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak lost over $70000 worth of Bitcoin to fraud
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Marshall Islands to Issue Own Sovereign Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin Billionaire? Don't Forget the IRS

New “Sovereign” Cryptocurrency Will Be Legal Tender in the Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), an island country located near the equator in the Pacific Ocean with a population of about 50,000, is poised to become the first sovereign nation to issue a cryptocurrency that will be legal tender.
The new currency is called “Sovereign” with the symbol “SOV.” The SOV, which will be distributed to the public via an Initial Currency Offering (ICO), will circulate as legal tender in the country, alongside its current local currency, the U.S. dollar.
Y-combinator Israeli fintech startup Neema is partnering with RMI to issue the SOV, starting with a presale that will be followed by an ICO later this year.
"SOV is a big deal because, until now, all cryptos were in regulatory limbo,” Barak Ben-Ezer, co-founder of Neema, told Bitcoin Magazine. “None of them was considered ‘real’ money by the IRS, SEC, etc. Accordingly, the IRS taxed them with capital gain tax, and the SEC wants to regulate all ICOs as issuance of securities. The IRS explained in 2014 why it’s not considered real money: because it’s not the legal tender of a sovereign nation.”
The solution for Neema was to find a country to partner with to create a cryptocurrency which would become the legal tender of a sovereign nation. “So SOV has the benefits of cryptocurrency and the legal and regulatory framework that covers sovereign currencies. You can use it without worrying about capital gains and even the ICO may be like selling any currency — Euro, Yen, etc.," said Ben-Ezer.
SOV is based on a permissioned protocol, dubbed “‘Yokwe” (meaning “hello” in the local language), which requires blockchain users to authenticate. According to the SOV promoters, this “solves the anonymity problem that plagued bitcoin and precluded its mainstream adoption.”
The official statement notes that there’s a huge market need for a non-anonymous blockchain system that can operate within a regulated environment. The SOV wants to be part of a broader E-conomy vision to create a society that uses blockchain technology intensively, with a cryptocurrency and biometric IDs securely recorded on the blockchain.
“SOV is the promising starting point for the adoption of cryptocurrencies by sovereign nations,” said Peter Dittus, former secretary general of the Bank of International Settlements and Neema’s senior economic advisor. “The Yokwe protocol provides a promising balance between transparency and privacy and we’re excited to develop it further. It’s state of the art technology, put to good use, with the right values in mind and a clear purpose.”
“This is a historic moment for our people, finally issuing and using our own currency, alongside the USD,” said RMI President Hilda C. Heine. “It is another step of manifesting our national liberty. Allocating SOV units directly to the citizens will circulate the currency and distribute wealth efficiently to our people. In addition, The RMI will invest the revenues to support its climate change efforts, green energy, healthcare for those still affected by the U.S. nuclear tests and education.”
“The Marshall Islands is the first nation to adopt a transparent crypto monetary system, and we are proud of it,” added David Paul, Minister-in-Assistance to the President and Environment Minister of the RMI. “We are excited to be the world’s first nation to leapfrog into the era of digital currencies. 10 percent of our proceeds from the ICO will be directed toward a Green Climate Fund.” Paul added that he is especially proud of SOV since it is based on the Yokwe blockchain framework that has all the benefits of Bitcoin minus the anonymity.
Earlier in 2018, the Maduro government in Venezuela launched a cryptocurrency dubbed Petro, claiming that it was the world's first sovereign cryptocurrency. The SOV statement notes that, contrary to the Petro, the SOV will be legal tender of the country, as defined in a bill passed by the parliament. Furthermore, the RMI is a close ally of the U.S., whereas Venezuela is under embargo. SOV will be a decentralized cryptocurrency with a price that is uniquely determined by the market, whereas the Petro, initially pegged to the price of oil, can be manipulated at will by the Venezuelan government.
The RMI is a tiny island nation, but it is a sovereign nation and a member of the UN. Therefore, if the RMI will eventually deploy a cryptocurrency that is also legal tender, the impact could be huge.
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
via Bitcoin Magazine
Porsche and XAIN Testing IoT, AI, Blockchain Technology Solutions for Smart Cars

Porsche is currently testing in-car blockchain applications. The company announced that it will be the the first major carmaker to implement and successfully test blockchain technology in a car.
“We can use blockchain to transfer data more quickly and securely, giving our customers more peace of mind in the future, whether they are charging, parking or need to give a third party, such as a parcel delivery agent, temporary access to the vehicle,” said Oliver Döring, Financial Strategist at Porsche. “We translate the innovative technology into direct benefits for the customer.”
At a visionary technology conference in 2001, legendary cryptographer Nick Szabo used the same examples to illustrate the concept of smart contracts that solved the problem of trust by being self-executing and having property embedded with information about who owns it. For example, Szabo noted, the key to a car might operate only if the car has been paid for according to the terms of a contract.
According to the company, the applications successfully tested include locking and unlocking the vehicle via an app and authorizing temporary access.
“[The] technology makes it possible to assign temporary access authorizations for the vehicle — in a secure and efficient manner,” notes the Porsche press release echoing Szabo’s prophetic words. “A protected connection to vehicle data and functionalities can be established using blockchain. At the same time, it protects all communication between participants.”
According to Porsche, the car “becomes part of the blockchain.” Access authorizations can be distributed digitally and securely and can be monitored by the vehicle owner at any time.
Data gathered by cars, including data useful for navigation, can be encrypted locally in a distributed blockchain; access to that data can then be sold to integrators and other drivers. This data aggregation can provide autonomous self-driving cars with “swarm data” gathered by other vehicles and analyzed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques such as machine learning. Gathering and selling swarm data, which would likely include real-time road and traffic conditions, could be a viable business model in and of itself.
Besides mentioning smart contracts and machine learning, Porsche did not release information on its blockchain and AI technology stacks. However, the company statement reveals that the auto manufacturer is working in partnership with Berlin-based XAIN, a developer of solutions based on blockchain, AI and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, with a particular focus on intelligent industrial applications.
XAIN started as a research project at the University of Oxford to boost blockchain technology applications through AI. In June 2017, XAIN AG won the first Porsche Innovation Contest, finishing ahead of more than 120 other startups.The company’s technology stack is based on the Ethereum blockchain and reinforcement learning, a modern family of machine-learning methods. A XAIN yellow paper provides detailed information on XAIN’s technology stack and solutions.
The acronym XAIN stands for “eXpandable AI Network,” defined as a blockchain-based, open or permissioned system with a focus on small, low-energy IoT devices that can be embedded in, for example, cars.
“[We] focus on developing artificial intelligence systems that are directly applied on local data in a distributed system,” notes a XAIN post. “One of our scenarios hereby is, e.g., autonomous driving, which we developed together with the University of Oxford and Porsche as a leading German carmaker.”
XAIN wants to leverage distributed machine learning to train self-driving cars on the basis of local data, enriched by synthetic and general data, such as weather conditions. This can improve autonomous driving in regions like Europe and Asia, which are not sufficiently covered by global solutions trained in Silicon Valley.
“[For] our distributed intelligent systems, we actually require a dynamic, adaptable and energy-efficient infrastructure for organizations and any kind of device to purposefully work together in an equally-distributed, privacy-preserving and secure network,” concludes the XAIN post, stating that appropriately configured blockchain technology can play a part in viable technological solutions to this challenge.
Porsche image attribution: By Brian Snelson from Hockley, Essex, England - Flickr, CC BY 2.0
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
via Bitcoin Magazine
Lithuanian Banking Group Warns Over Crypto Investments
A self-governing banking association in Lithuania just issued a warning to residents regarding the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies.
via CoinDesk
JPMorgan Says It May Have to 'Adapt' to Counter Crypto Adoption
JPMorgan Chase has become the third major banking institution to list cryptocurrencies as a possible risk factor for its business.
via CoinDesk
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New Provably Fair lottery using Bitcoin blockchain for RNG - peer review
We've published a blog post describing the Provably Fair model that uses the Bitcoin blockchain for the random number generator, see here: Extract below, for convenience. We'd welcome peer reviews of this model, with any constructive criticism of this method, ...
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The Bitcoin Game #52: Mike In Space
Hello, welcome to episode 52 of?‚The Bitcoin Game, I'm Rob Mitchell. This episode I speak with Mike In Space, longtime creator of Bitcoin memes, and more recently, the host of the comedy series, Bitcoin Car Talk. I?'?ve never heard Mike interviewed, so I thought it would be fun to learn a bit more about him. I enjoy Mike?'?s unique sense of humor enough that you'll hear me laugh just hearing his voice at the beginning of our conversation.
Bitcoin Car Talk
Mike In Space on Twitter
Info on Mike's older Twitter Avatar
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All music in this episode of The Bitcoin Game was created by Rob Mitchell, except the Bitcoin Car Talk theme was covered by Brian Hoffman.
The Bitcoin Game box art was created from an illustration by Rock Barcellos.
via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network
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CFTC Gives Green Light for Employees to Trade Cryptocurrencies
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has given its staff permission to invest in cryptocurrencies, according to a report.
via CoinDesk
No Blockchain Is an Island
Blockchain governance is shaped by much more than protocol rules: the underlying internet rails, social norms, markets and laws all have an influence.
via CoinDesk
Banking Group SBI Delays Crypto Exchange Launch
The launch of Japan's first bank-backed cryptocurrency exchange has again been postponed as it seeks to strengthen security measures.
via CoinDesk
Class Actions Mount as Coincheck Lingers Over Crypto Heist Refunds
Japanese exchange Coincheck is facing another class action lawsuit demanding cryptocurrency refunds and compensation for hack losses.
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Confronted with big federal funding reductions, Berkeley, California, is turning to crypto token-based funding for services like affordable housing.
via CoinDesk
Bitcoin Brushes $11K as Bull Case Strengthens
Having tested $11,000 this morning, bitcoin could close the month on a positive note, chart analysis indicates.
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SCAMFLASH: Bitcoin White Aims To Fork You Over
Another round of scam forks is hitting the market. The latest addition to the growing portfolio of fake coins piggybacking off of established cryptocurrencies… is Bitcoin White. A scam fork so obvious it's hard to believe anyone forked over any of their cash. Avoid at all costs.
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Bitcoin Miner. An ordinary rural miner learned about one of the innovations of the modern world – cryptocurrency. In search of answers to the question: “Where do you get Bitcoin?"he wandered into a cryptocurrency mine. All Reviews: No user reviews. Release Date: Mar 5, 2018. Developer: lalalaZero , ...
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Twitter Scammers Use Verified Accounts to Trick Crypto Holders
Scammers hoping to steal cryptocurrency are hacking verified Twitter accounts to swindle users.
via CoinDesk
$35 Million Refund? Developer Appeals Ethereum for Hard Fork Hack Reversal
An early ethereum developer is speaking out about why he feels a platform-wide software upgrade should be used to help him recover lost funds.
via CoinDesk
Customer ID Now Required for Crypto Exchange Purchases in Malaysia
Malaysia's central bank is now requiring domestic crypto exchanges to comply with anti-money laundering and know-your-customer mandates.
via CoinDesk
Chinese Universities Are Pursuing Blockchain Patents
Universities in China are joining the country's private sector in an effort to patent blockchain solutions, new filings reveal.
via CoinDesk
Bill Gates' 'Nonsense' Crypto Comments Draw Twitter Ire
Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates claimed cryptocurrency "has caused deaths in a fairly direct way." The crypto community found that very amusing.
via CoinDesk
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
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How to buy Bitcoins cheaply - a closer look at how to buy Bitcoin cheaply, especially for those on a small budget. Bitcoin offers investors a great opportunity to build a passive income, despite strong price fluctuations. It allows you to share in the story of success by being a part of a new trend and...
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Trump Administration Working on 'Comprehensive Strategy' for Crypto
A senior U.S. official said Tuesday that the government is looking into creating a "comprehensive strategy" around cryptocurrencies.
via CoinDesk
Op Ed: Why Millennials Migrate to Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency in Droves

Millennials welcome new industry dynamics, but they have their own motivations for supporting the ascendancy of open-source, decentralized blockchains, many of which are unique to trends common for their generation. Regardless of the reasons for their backing, millennials are indisputably crucial to the survival of blockchains. Now the largest population on Earth, millennials also enjoy more collective buying power than any other group, with $200 billion in discretionary income in 2017 expected to increase significantly this year. More so than their financial support of blockchain solutions, decentralized ledger technology also speaks to millennial values. While some of their motives for loving blockchain technology are shared with peers, there are additional reasons blockchains cater to millennial tastes over any other audience.
Disenfranchisement by the System
A generation that bears the burden of their predecessors’ financial mishaps, there is significant evidence showing that millennials are poorer than their parents were at the same age. With historically low wage growth and unrelenting inflation, this specific constituency is largely bereft of shelter in one of the biggest financial squalls of all time. Alongside student loan debts of almost $1.5 trillion in the United States alone, many millennials have largely given up hope of a healthy financial future.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies represent a small rebellion to the average millennial — a chance to go against the grain and deploy their money as they see fit. Furthermore, blockchain-based efforts toward disintermediation and reducing the role of centralized authorities is a fitting driver for millennials to embrace these concepts, especially when considering their wariness toward institutionalized corruption.
Rejection of Traditional Financial Products
Despite the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, millennials see it as a more trustworthy alternative to traditional financial products like stocks, bonds and even insurance. There are many reasons why this young group’s preferences swing in the opposite direction of their parents’, but the likeliest is that they witnessed the 2008 financial crisis firsthand and don’t feel comfortable or in control as stakeholders of this system. Who would trust products that can be obscured and manipulated to such a worrisome extent without consequences? Better to participate in a newer market where entrenched stakeholders have less sway.
The evidence is resoundingly painted by the numbers when considering more millennials are choosing not to invest at all, keeping their money in cash. In fact, according to a survey of U.S. adults conducted by Bankrate, millennials prefer real estate, cash and even gold ahead of stocks. With bitcoin viewed as digital gold and other digital currencies remaining outside the realm of mainstream finance, it is no wonder that millennials prefer asset classes which distance them from the traditional financial products pushed by Wall Street.
Achieve the Pipedream Lifestyle
One of the more troublesome trends in the millennial market is that millennials are more willing to spend big, even if they lack the funding to support their lifestyle. Part of the reason is greater exposure to media with a convincing materialistic message, which encourages to find fulfillment in entertainment, vacations, clothes and other luxuries instead.
A general lack of money is no barrier to this lifestyle as many see the financial deck stacked against them regardless. Nevertheless, the blockchain sector has found solutions to get around this financial quagmire, letting younger generations enjoy life without having to participate in the status quo. Cool Cousin, for example, is a blockchain project which lets users hire local experts during their vacation and get a great and authentic experience. The service, and platforms like it, leverage millennial ideals to create low-cost alternatives that don’t sacrifice the experiential aspect of the venture because of financial concerns.
Tech Savviness and Utility
The first generation to mature alongside the internet, millennials are a distinctly tech-savvy group. They can understand and appreciate the benefits of blockchain technology, especially its participatory aspect. For younger investors and entrepreneurs alike, the initial coin offering (ICO) model represents a more accessible, democratic way to invest in new ideas or to launch their own, without jumping through the hoops present in the status quo’s investment arena. Millennials are eager to become not just customers but also stakeholders in the applications of tomorrow and have a real knack for picking easier solutions.
Blockchains empower millennials to become part of the platforms they believe in and thus create more comprehensive and better models for various technologies. Offering more than simple financial services, this trend has led to an explosion in high-tech offerings which disrupt established paradigms. In the field of computer processing, for instance, Golem provides an intriguing case study in harnessing decentralized network power for broader uses. Participants on the platform earn tokens by sharing processing power and pay tokens for the privilege of using a remote supercomputer that draws on this network’s parallel processing capabilities. Millennials have taken to this new investment model and are determined to see their generation’s crucial apps on the chain.
Building a New World
More than having a stake in the future, millennials want to use blockchain technology to build it with their own hands. The digital ledger is a revolutionary tool for promoting pure transparency, which is a word that has little relevance to today’s politics, financial markets and business world as a whole. Millennials love the internet, but this also makes them intimately aware of its downsides, namely that it only exacerbates media bias, corporate control and political obfuscation. Many in this age group see open-source blockchain technology as an accountability tool, one that will create a better system for voting, sharing data and advertising for instance. Already, services like Horizon State and others are creating platforms that make voting and other democratic tools more accessible and transparent, further empowering younger generations.
Ushering in the Future
Millennials are growing up and can no longer be characterized as the youngest and most naïve generation. They’re waking up to the inequity present in the world and are hyper-aware of the status quo’s faults as well. Blockchains provide not just productive ways for them to air their grievances but also social and financial tools allowing millennials to demonstrate what the problem areas are and, at the same time, exactly how to fix them. While the future for blockchain technology is anything but clear, if millennials have their say, it will not only stick around but grow and flourish.
This is a guest post by Reuben Jackson. Opinions expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Media or Bitcoin Magazine.
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
via Bitcoin Magazine
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#224 Jeff Garzik: Metronome - Of Bitcoin Satellites and Built-to-Last Chain-Hopping Tokens
We're joined by Jeff Garzik, who was among the very first developers to work with Satoshi in the early days of Bitcoin. Later, he was a core developer at Bitpay and even tried to put a Bitcoin node on a satellite in space. Today, he is co-founder at Bloq, a company providing enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure. Bloq recently announced a new project called Metronome that challenges some of the design and governance principles of many public blockchain networks.
Metronome is cryptocurrency that sits on top of existing blockchains and aims to allow tokens to easily move from one network to the other. A series of standard blockchain contracts allow for daily descending price auctions to occur automatically, and for users to buy and sell the tokens using a Bancor-like system with built-in liquidity.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Jeff's background as a web developer at CNN and as a Linux developer
- His early days in Bitcoin working with Satoshi
- His thoughts on Bitcoin governance and lessons learned from the Segwit2X episode
- The lessons learned from founding Bloq
- What is Metronome and what problem does it aim to solve
- Metronome's self-governance and how the system is meant to evolve
- The different smart contracts which make up Metronome
- How Metronome allows MTN tokens to move to different blockchains
- The economics of the protocol and the descending price auction system
- The upcoming Metronome token sale and development roadmap
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Metronome: The Built-to-Last Cryptocurrency
- Metronome Owner's Manual
- Metronome FAQ
- Metronome Git Repo
- DSS - Dunvegan Space Systems, Inc
- The Long Now Foundation
- Bloq
Support the show, consider donating:
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- BCC: 1M4dvWxjL5N9WniNtatKtxW7RcGV73TQTd (
- ETH: 0x8cdb49ca5103Ce06717C4daBBFD4857183f50935 (
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Epicenter is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain, S?ƒbastien Couture & Meher Roy.
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Customer Support Update
It’s been a month since I joined Coinbase to lead Support. I wanted to share some observations and my plan over the next 90 days to help scale our support — specifically on increasing capacity, upgrading tools, adding social support and bringing on experienced hires.
Increase Capacity
My first, and most obvious observation was that we needed more people to handle the inbound volume of support requests and a solid plan to handle any spikes in volume.
We will be onboarding approximately 500 agents over the next three months to handle the inbound call volume. Our first group of 90 new agents will start on March 5th and we will be adding a group of agents every week until we hit our goal of 500 in late May. I have personally met each new team member, we have set up new facilities, upgraded our security standards and have all the technology in place so this group of 90 can hit the ground running. Additionally, we have built triggers that alert us of spikes in volume and now have safeguards in place to add additional team members.
Better tools
After a deep dive into our current tool set, we realized that these tools were not intended for companies operating at significant scale. We’ve begun the process of migrating to a new set of tools that will enable smart case routing and more efficient workflows for our team, which ultimately will lead to faster response times for customers and fewer escalations.
Social Support
After evaluating all the channels in which Customers contact us, we were missing Social Support. We’ve begun the development of tooling for a formal Social Media Support Program. To date, our social media support has been ad hoc and inconsistent. With our new tools and a dedicated social media support team, we will make this a primary support channel. In the next 90 days, we will begin to offer social media support via Twitter and Facebook.
Experienced hires
Finally, We have hired experienced Support Leaders to help with everything from operations and metrics to quality and content. They will help me scale our organization and ensure we maintain quality while doing so. They all come from companies that were operating support organizations at significant scale and each will add immediate value.
I want to assure you that we are moving with an extreme sense of urgency and are committed to solving these long standing problems. Thank you for your patience and expect to hear more as we continue to make progress.
Tina Bhatnagar
VP, Operations and Technology
Customer Support Update was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
via The Coinbase Blog - Medium
Goldman Sachs Exec: Central Bank Cryptos Could Be 'Incredibly Useful'
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