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Friday, 29 May 2015

Bitcoin is Better with Friends

One of the best ways to educate friends about bitcoin is to simply send them some bits. The power of the Bitcoin network becomes real to newcomers when they receive bits and instantly have the ability to send them anywhere in the world for free.

We’re constantly striving to make it easier for people to send bits to friends, and today we're excited to highlight a few updates that we recently pushed out on mobile:

  • Google App Invites: Android users can now use Google App Invites to seamlessly invite Google contacts to download Coinbase on Android. We are one of 5 launch partners for Google's new App Invites toolkit and we’re offering a double sided 100 bit referral bonus. Both you and your friend get 100 bits for each new app download.


  • More intuitive send/request page on iOS and Android: Based on feedback from the community, we’ve made it easier to send and request bitcoin on mobile. You can now send to and request from recent contacts and Google contacts by scrolling through the recipient field and clicking rather than entering a full email address.


Bitcoin makes it easier for friends from around the world to transfer value. If you have friends either domestically or abroad that you would like to educate about Bitcoin, we hope you’ll share some bits with them via our iOS and Android apps!

via The Coinbase Blog

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