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Saturday 25 April 2015

Ghana's Dream Bitcoin Foundation Envisions Tools to Empower Young Minds

My Name is Philip Agyei Asare. I am the founding president of Dream Bitcoin Foundation (DBF), a nonprofit organization that aims to empower young entrepreneurs in Ghana through education about entrepreneurship and cryptocurrencies.

Conceived in January of 2014, DBF was officially registered in Ghana on September 9, 2014, and since then has held two successful regional Bitcoin events. The first was a two-day seminar in December 2014 at Kumasi Polytechnic Institute with about 250 participation, and the second was CoinFest Ghana in March 2015, with the motive of educating tertiary students and young aspiring entrepreneurs in the country '" in principles of individual liberty, secure private property rights, free markets, the rule of law, limited government, and government non-interference in the economy '" giving them the ability to arm themselves with the ideas of Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

'" Young entrepreneurs

In partnership with Coinapult, Conscious Entrepreneurship Foundation, Sierra Leone Liberty Group, SatoshiCentre, Nebraska Bitcoin Foundation, and Bitcoin supporters in Botswana, Uganda and Zimbabwe, DBF seeks to raise funds for projects that will bring together and nurture young, ambitious, and self-determined entrepreneurs, enabling them to achieve their dreams without government intervention. The foundation's primary mission is to spread the word that, for the first time ever, cryptocurrency and an inexpensive smartphone now enable unbanked entrepreneurs to transact as equals with the rest of the world.

This is your invitation to step forward, grasp, and embrace the golden opportunity to answer the often asked question: 'œWhat can I, a single individual, do to help this world?' A vast amount! And here is how. You can help a whole country, with a multi-ethnic population of more than 27 million, lift itself up and take its rightful place in our human world community. Ghana can then turn around and give its fellow countries the same gift, who will in turn do the same with others. This is the precious opportunity to help level the playing field in the world economy, bringing to bear the world's true wealth of mind, heart, spirit, and that unique gift of humanity: creativity.

Each of us can be a powerful catalyst for good in this world, helping to create a reality that honors and rewards all of us '" not just a tiny, 'œentitled' few '" with the beautiful abundance and experience of being human beings living in freedom (the real thing!) on this sublime mother earth. We are doing this!

DBF believes that cryptocurrency, and specifically Bitcoin, is the key to the financial freedom that people passionately seek. You can help us to educate the masses on the benefits and potentials of using and accepting Bitcoin. We will demonstrate how Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are the irrepressible tool for liberty, which will rapidly replace the existing corrupt system that keeps people in poverty and suppression.

DBF's founders aim to stand on the leading edge of the liberty to which they are dedicated '" for themselves and all of their fellow humans. We have developed a plan to bring about such liberty. For this, we need an office space.

'" Team

DBF's leadership plans to set up an office and shared work space to educate the people of Africa about the life-changing, paradigm-shifting reality that is Bitcoin, and to show them how they can begin to harness this vast potential for themselves '" in the ancient African consciousness of Ubuntu, or "human kindness" '" with other young Africans to discover the philosophy of liberty, and gain knowledge of entrepreneurship skills.

In an era where youth unemployment has become a chronic headache in Africa as a result of weak economic liberty, DBF offers a rare opportunity for the youth to start businesses and other organizations in accepting Bitcoin payments, empowering young entrepreneurs in Ghana not to depend on the government. Bitcoin already is affecting Africa in a great way, even though it is still very new here. It has immense potential to enable insights that would have been unthinkable until only very recently for Africans to generate more entrepreneurial ideas and to turn them into action.

DBF is determined to help Cheetahs (young African entrepreneurs) seize the opportunity that Bitcoin represents. The economic repression that has enveloped Africa makes the continent one of the best places for such initiatives, and support from the global Bitcoin community has really helped educate the masses.

It will cost $20,000 to cover the expenses for the first three years to rent an office space, pay utility bills, install a solar system at the office, buy computers to be used by DBF members in the office space, add furnishings, and secure unlimited-bandwidth Internet access to help change the poverty that bedevils Ghana and Africa.

'" Board members

Working from my home office, I brainstorm with the board members toward our projects. After this initial startup phase, DBF's founders expect to be able to run the foundation as a self-funding enterprise through participation in successful projects incubated there. A mere 1,000 friends of liberty donating only US$20 each will see us through.

Even if you cannot donate, please spread the word! Thank you, good people! Help us demystify poverty and tyranny in Africa.

Bitcoin donations can be made to the Bitcoin wallet address or QR code below:


via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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