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Tuesday 9 December 2014



Hundreds of bitcoins have been stolen yesterday from users made temporarily vulnerable by a technical issue during a software update of the popular Bitcoin wallet. The company has plugged the security hole, and now they are reimbursing the users who lost their bitcoins.

“The issue was present for a brief period of time between the hours of 12:00am and 2:30am GMT on December the 8th 2014. The issue was detected quickly and immediately resolved. In total, this issue affected less than 0.0002% of our user base and was limited to a few hundred addresses. We have sent an alert to all users who have potentially vulnerable addresses in their wallets, for which we have an email on file. We are committed to working with any affected users to assess and rectify any issues.”

While I have a account like mostly everyone, I would never keep any substantial amount of Bitcoin funds in a web wallet. I know that nasty bugs and failures occasionally happen in any software system, and complete security is impossible to achieve in the real world. At the same time, I tend to trust companies that openly admit security problems and reach to help the affected users.

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