Friday 3 July 2020

Proof of Love Ep. 65 Living With Gratitude - On The Road With Alyze Sam

The #ProofOfGratitude tour continues and, on this episode of Proof of Love, Lauren joins Tatiana and Alyze Sam (who are hanging out together) to recap PorcFest and to discuss their upcoming travel and professional plans.

"It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life." Tatiana and Alyze joined their friend Michael Horowitz in a beautiful tribute to his late wife, Dorothy. They recount the emotional experience (and how they thought they might die along the way there) of Michael sharing his love for his wife and for his symbolic beginning of a new life. Both Tatiana and Alyze were really honored to have been included in Michael's intimate ceremony of love and gratitude.

Next, the ladies discuss their upcoming stop in California and Lauren shares her recent experience reconnecting with acquaintances from high school, just when she needed connection the most.

Finally, WHERE THE HECK ARE LAUREN'S KITTENS? Why haven't we seen them yet? Tatiana wants to know.,. And we know you, do, too!

Note: Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus lockdowns, AnarchoVegas was canceled after recording.

About the Guest:
Alyze Sam is a refreshing blockchain strategist, a novel educator, and vehemently driven advocate. First, dedicating her life to her patients in hospice nursing, Sam passionately embraced the world of financial technology after nearly losing her own life, not once, but twice! Sam feels her destiny lies within serving her community and assisting other 'underdogs' with love and education. She's achieving these dreams with roles as; Co-Founder and Chief Executive Assistant for GIVE Nation, a non-profit children's financial literacy AI/blockchain project which rewards altruistic behaviors. She's a Founder and Community Director of Women in Blockchain International and sits as an 'Social Impact Advisor' for blockchain nonprofits; & Women in Blockchain Foundation. Sam is a stakeholder and former Director at the 'World Ethical Data Forum'. Her advisory positions include; JustiFire, where they digitally track ammunition, PAC Global, a masternode payment system Sam is also PAC's Chief Communications Officer. She just joined NewLife.Ai, a high-end fashion and Tumblr- like social media app with A.I. functions which generate digital rewards, and the Liberland Foundation Aide, a country based on the blockchain. Alyze works closely with The Illumnine Society, and Team McAfee concentrating on media intelligence, partnerships and tech events. In her free time, Sam writes for 15+ Tech Magazines, while humbly sitting at the top 1% of the Blockchain industry as a FemSTEM mentor and influencer. She's a proud Alliance of Blockchain Professionals member, since 2018. Sam wrote the first book on Stablecoins in 2017. The unbiased text takes complex practices and simplifies concepts for most audiences. In February 2020 Sam and her partners 'Complete 2020 Guide to Stablecoins' sat as the #1 New Release in Business and Money on Amazon Books. *Visuals and self publishing done by a 16 year old Sam personally mentors: Koosha Azim, Silicon Valley, CA. Sam's second book, 'Stablecoin Economy,' a university text, released May 14th 2020.

Do you have a burning question, or a show idea for us? Please email us at!

More Info:
Tatiana Moroz
Proof Of Gratitude
GIVE Nation

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
Let's Talk Bitcoin
The Tatiana Show

Crypto Media Hub

Remember, this is a new show, so if you like it, please be sure to tell 3 friends! Leave a good review on Itunes, and be sure to follow us on our socials!

*You have been listening to Proof of Love. This show may contain adult content, language, and humor and is intended for mature audiences. If that's not you, please stop listening. Nothing you hear on Proof of Love is intended as financial advice, legal advice, therapy or really, anything other than entertainment. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Oh, and if you're hearing us on an affiliate network, the ideas and views expressed on this show, are not necessarily those of the network you are listening on, or of any sponsors or any affiliate products you may hear about on the show.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

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