Saturday 28 March 2020

The role of crypto during these uncertain times

Watch Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong speak to how Bitcoin was created for moments like this

On March 26, Coinbase had its first ever fully remote Company All Hands. Watch Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong kick off the virtual meeting by talking about:

  • Why crypto is the money people need in this moment
  • Why fiat currency isn’t hygienic or convenient, especially during a pandemic
  • How crypto solves many of fiat’s problems
  • Why crypto can be an alternative investment during a recession
  • The importance of Coinbase’s mission, vision, and values in creating an open financial system for the world

The role of crypto during these uncertain times was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

via The Coinbase Blog - Medium

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