Sunday 24 November 2019

Let's Talk Bitcoin! #418 Statechains, and Trading the Panopticon for Magical Internet Money

On this week's episode'.

Segment 1

"Long Bitcoin, Short the World? Trading the Panopticon for Magical Internet Money"

  • CoinDesks' Nolan hosts a fascinating Discussion with Eric Weinstein at Invest2019(
  • They talk about embedded growth obligations and the sociopathic companies they engender'
  • ...and Tuur Demeester's ( Reformation of Bitcoin (
  • Is everything fine, or are we already experiencing a low grade revolution?
  • The big value of blockchains is that they replicate real world "It just works", if imperfectly.
  • Much more in this wide-ranging "fireside chat"

Segment 2

"New Tools, Layers, and Tradeoffs for scaling Blockchains"

  • In Segment 2, the hosts of Let's Talk Bitcoin are joined by Ruben Somsen to dig into his proposal for blockchain agnostic "Statechains"
  • A low-trust, low knowledge, high accessibility approach to side chains
  • Pairing Statechains with Lightning Networks
  • Ruben's journey from podcasting enthusiast ( to scaling innovator

Episode 418 Credits:



Special thanks to

  • Invest2019,
  • Nolan
  • Eric Weinstein


  • Adam B. Levine


  • Jonas
  • Adam B. Levine


via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

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