Tuesday 26 November 2019

Blockcrunch - How Can Non-Money Tokens Accrue Value in Crypto? | Jack Platt, Polkadot, Ep. 78


Polkadot, to be launched in 2020, is a project helmed by Ethereum co-creator Gavin Wood.

Its token design incorporates multiple ideas seen throughout the brief history of cryptoassets: work/stake token, fee token, token burns and "medallion"-like use cases.

Web 3 Foundation's Jack Platt joins me in breaking down the how tokens such as DOT aim to accrue value - and why they are not crypto "currencies".

Host: Jason Choi (@MrJasonChoi). If you enjoyed the show, consider tipping! This show is not financial advice.

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Disclaimer: Jason Choi is an investor at Spartan Capital, the hedge fund arm of The Spartan Group. All opinions expressed by Jason and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of The Spartan Group and any of its subsidiaries and personnel. This podcast is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. The Spartan Group and its clients may hold positions in assets described in the episode. Detailed‚disclaimers available at jasonchoi.me and‚spartangroup.io/disclaimer

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network https://letstalkbitcoin.com/blog/post/blockcrunch-how-can-non-money-tokens-accrue-value-in-crypto-jack-platt-polkadot-ep-78

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