Thursday 25 July 2019

SAFE Crossroads #54, From a UX Point of View, with Jim Collinson

The SAFE Network is a project of such large scope, doing things that have never been done, it can be hard to wrap one's head around the whole thing without a lot of work. But in the end it is for people to use. It needs to be easily adopted and made to work by everyone.

As core development progresses rapidly towards beta launch, tracking the evolution of the user experience (UX) development can help everyone understand the potentialities for this vast project from a practical, people-empowering perspective.

To help us with that we talk to Jim Collinson, a UX Designer at MaidSafe. He walks us through some of the approaches and priorities of UX design in general, and shares insights about the process of evolving UX in parallel to the core team putting final form to the networks basic functionality.


Safe Crossroads Beta, an original piece composed and performed by Nicholas Koteskey of Two Faced Heroes

Links -- The best place to start to get an understand of the SAFE Network as a whole

Designing the New Internet: SAFE Network UX Roadmap -- Article under discussion, part one

Designing the New Internet: How We'll Get There -- Article under discussion, part two

Safecoin: The best thing to do is just forget about it -- Previous article about Safecoin not being the primary focus of the SAFE Network project

SAFE Network Forum -- SAFE Network community forum -- Home site for this podcast

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

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