Tuesday 26 February 2019

The Crypto Show: Roger Stone, G. Edward Griffin And Lyn Ulbricht At Anarchapulco


While at the Anarchapulco Conference we had a live show with G. Edward Griffin and Lyn Ulbricht at our studio set. Roger Stone called in to share the latest about his case. This turned out to be the last public interview with Roger, shortly after he was slapped with a Gag-Order. Lyn Shared the similarities in which Ross was railroaded to Mr Stones own legal issues.This was a great chance to set up a conservative audience for schooling on the Fed with Mr. Griffin.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network https://letstalkbitcoin.com/blog/post/the-crypto-show-roger-stone-g-edward-griffin-and-lyn-ulbricht-at-anarchapulco

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