Sunday 3 May 2015

Community Roundup #19 -- Popcorn Time

Merry May!

Summer is just around the corner. With summer comes blockbuster movies!

LTB community member Torsten has been busy directing (so much wow!) this summer's undisputed blockbuster documentary, Bitcoin: The End Of Money as We Know It. Catch the trailer on the Tubes:

The first of undoubtedly many awards is already in the bag '" "The Special Jury Prize for World Cinema Documentary" from Amsterdam Film Festival.

If you plan on being in Las Vegas on July 8-11 and want to take a night off from your fiat-gambling habit, head over to Planet Hollywood for the Anthem Film Festival, and join Torsten Hoffman and Michael Watchulonis for the movie's global launch. You can follow Torsten on Twitter, Facebook and the official movie website to get the latest news about the project, along with info about the movie's further release schedule. Well done gents, well done indeed.

John is heading the Bitseed Community on Assembly. To refresh your memory, in EP#205, John mentioned his involvement with the Bitseed Bitcoin node project. The Bitseed personal server is a plug-and-play computer that serves as a full node right out of the box. Current pricing is at 0.63 BTC ($149) plus shipping, as of this writing. There seems to be minimal, if no backlog, and the device should ship within just a few days.

Join the network.

Do it.

User Dlight asks, why not monetize LTBcoin? Dlight questions whether "LTBcoin is being deliberately kept back as a toy currency." The concern is a familiar one, and frequently brought up: Why should one care about LTBcoin and what can you do with it? First, the disclaimer: this is all still an experiment (fun, yes?) '" the network, the coin, the community. While many of us would love to see LTBcoin value follow a hockey stick graph to infinity (and beyond!), the reality is, as long as the platform tools are being worked on, and the business aspect of the Let's Talk Bitcoin! Network is a work-in-progress, the coin has relatively limited use, and thus, value. Current LTBc value is derived from home page ad sales, show sponsorships and speculation on Poloniex. Alas, for the last week or so, LTBc has been taking it on all sides on Poloniex, currently selling at a short-term low of 34 satoshis '" much hurt.

So what can you do right now, while waiting for the platform to mature? Like community members Rock and Richard, who offer their professional expertise in graphics design in return for LTBc, you too could join the ranks and offer your services for payment in LTBc '" while of course understanding that LTBc will not be a substitute (quite yet) for BTC or fiat currency. Overall though, this is a chicken and egg dilemma: the value comes from a thriving community and a marketplace, but it is difficult for the community to be commercially active and vibrant, to offer goods and services without fully functioning platform tools, and to do so mostly on a volunteer basis, since the coin value is so low. But I digress.

Dlight seems to grasp the concept quite succinctly: "I think LTBcoin has the ability to teach a very important lesson to the cryptocurrency community '" that value is really IN the network '" any dedicated network can be monetized. A coin is really nothing more than an expression of community productivity and potential" (emphasis added).

The good thing about it all though '" unlike your typical "altcoin" with a common pump-and-dump scheme brewing behind the curtain '" is that LTBc is traded as-is, locally, organically, GMO-free, you-get-what-you-see. To quote Adam:

"So although the price may suck, it's real and when it gets better that'll be real too."

Michael asks whether anyone is using Gems messenger app. Gems (now known as GetGems) launched earlier this year with a goal of offering an easy-to-set-up messenger combined witha Bitcoin wallet, bringing Bitcoin and GEMZ tokens (a Counterparty asset) to your everyday user. So far, the project has succeeded well, just reaching a major milestone, unleashing the iOS version of the app '" in fact, a couple of months early.

Kris's OCTO 888 lottery faucet is gaining traction. From Octoparty's website:

"Octoparty is a token that is being revived since the original developers abandoned the original altcoin 888 or Octocoin. This would be a great example of how a coin can be revived using the Counterparty protocol and the FoldingCoin Merged Folding platform."

To learn more about Octoparty and OCTO token, visit Octoparty's website or subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Last, and least, some random numbers:

  • According to TwitterAudit, @LetsTalkBitcoin scores a passing B- with a score of 78% '" meaning, of our 18,000+ followers, 4,000 are faking it. Which is not good for an honest relationship.
  • Let's Talk Bitcoin! has the least number of active users on Fridays.
  • The LTB Google+ page has been viewed 6,800 times over the last 30 days.
  • May 1st was "Walpurgis Day" (Vappu) in Finland. where I'm originally from. It's one of many days Finns use as an excuse to be intoxicated in public. Celebrations begin usually early afternoon, and continue until the next morning. It's all finished with a lavish brunch the next day -- for anyone who can keep food down at that point. Oh, traditions, you are so cute.

Keep on keeping on, peeps, and be excellent to each other.


Community Manager

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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