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Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Bitcoin Game #14 - Cryptocurrency Regulation Talk from the Texas Bitcoin Conference

Welcome to episode 14 of The Bitcoin Game, I'm Rob Mitchell.

I recently attended the Texas Bitcoin Conference, and had a great time. I got to meet fellow LTB podcasters John Barrett and John Bush, people I listened to well before I started this podcast. I also got to meet some Bitcoin heroes of mine, as well as listeners to this show.

To kick off my content from the conference, I bring you this informative but somewhat scary talk about Cryptocurrency Regulation, delivered by the very knowledgeable Carol Van Cleef. The presentation is followed by a panel discussion, and ends with questions from the audience.

Cryptocurrency Regulation Panel

Carol Van Cleef, Partner, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Joel Aud, Texas Department of Public Safety, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Division

Timothy L. Evans, Sr. Council, Enforcement, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission

Helena Margarido, Partner at HMO Advogados and Cofounder of the Brazilian Bitcoin Foundation

Perianne Boring, Chamber of Digital Commerce

Paul Snow, CEO, Factom and the Texas Bitcoin Conference

I hope you'll tune in for upcoming episodes of The Bitcoin Game that will include details on what it was like for me to attend my first major Bitcoin conference, and you'll also get to hear my interviews with Bitcoiners including Erik Vorhees, Bruce Fenton, Shawn Wilkinson, John Bush, and many many more.

Now let's go back to Sunday morning, March 29, 2015, at the Texas Bitcoin Conference at the Moody Theater in Downtown Austin...

Magic Word

Listen for the magic word, and submit it to your account to claim a share of this week's distribution of LTBcoin. Listeners now have a full week from the release date to claim a magic word. The magic word for this episode must be submitted by 8:00pm Pacific Time on April 14, 2015.

Show Links

Texas Bitcoin Conference

BSA - Bank Secrecy Act

OFAC - Office of Foreign Assets Control

AML - Anti-Money Laundering

KYC - Know Your Customer

UDAP- Unfair & Deceptive Acts & Practices

MSB - Money Services Business

18 U.S.C. 1345 - Injunctions Against Fraud

Stealth Of Nations: The Global Rise of the Informal Economy

ProTip project from Chris Ellis


The State Of Digital Money (The first real Los Angeles Bitcoin Conference!)

Get 20% off with Discount Code: bitcoingame

UPDATE: I'll be MCing this event!


All music in this episode was created by me, or with friends and family. Ganesh Painting Company is the name of one of the jam bands I feature live recordings of regularly. Some of the musicians you're hearing are Mike Coleman, Rick Marshal, and Mark Denham. Feel free to contact me if you want more info about any music you hear on the podcast.

Thanks for listening!

Stay in touch

Email me at Rob at

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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