Wednesday 29 April 2015

Bitcoin Consumer Fair 2015

On Saturday, April 18, 2015, I attended the Bitcoin Consumer Fair in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference offered two different attendance tracks. Track 1 focused on the consumer. Track 2 focused on business issues. Presentations were given by several members of the Bitcoin community.

First, is a panel discussion with Eric Martindale of BitPay, Dmitry Murashchik of MyCelium, and Shawn Wilkinson of This panel was moderated by Stan Johnson. They explore several aspects and issues within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Adella Toulon-Foerster is the Vice President of Coin Outlet, a distributor of Bitcoin ATMs focusing on the needs of the under banked.

Eric Martindale returns to talk about a history of BitPay and their new multi signature solution called CoinPay.

Tony Sakich is the Marketing Director of Augur, a decentralized prediction market. In his presentation his talks about his background, music, and Argur.

Kevin McGee is the CEO of Avid Entrepreneurs. His company helps first generation entrepreneurs builds better business. He discusses the benefits of Bitcoin in the microfinance industry.

Content for this episode was provided by Eric Martindale, Dmitry Murashchik, Shawn Wilkinson, Adella Toulon-Foerster, Tony Sakich, Kevin McGee, and Stan Johnson. The episode was recorded and edited by Michael Pair. The music was provided by Michael Pair. The LTB Magic word for this episode is '˜Atlanta'.

For information about the presenters, see the show notes for more details.

Links - BitPay's Multi-signature solution - Bitcoin Wallet - Distributed Cloud Storage - Coin Outlets ATM - A Decentralized Prediction Market Platform - Helps First Generation Entrepreneurs - Music of Michael Pair

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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