Monday 30 March 2015

EB72 '" Sin Jones - Cryptocurrency Regulation Update: Uk, Isle Of Man, California, Bitlicense

When one is busy driving a technological and societal revolution forward, complying with complicated regulatory requirements is rarely a top priority. Yet, the reality is that at this stage the often ambigious and rapidly evolving regulatory landscape can have an outsized impact on the fate of cryptocurrency startups and on the adoption/integration into existing systems.

Epicenter Bitcoin Regulatory Correspondent and founder of COINsult Siƒn Jones joined us for an update on the state of Bitcoin regulation in a variety of jurisdiction.

Topics included:

  • The recent statement by the UK's treasury on digital currencies

  • How the Isle of Man keeps pioneering a cryptocurrency-friendly environment

  • The stance of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) towards Bitcoin

  • The insanity of the looming BitLicense rules and difficult-to-predict consequences they may have

Links mentioned in this episode:


Show notes



Epicenter Bitcoin is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain & Sƒbastien Couture.

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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