Monday 23 March 2015

EB71 Lisa Cheng - Token Sales And Crowdfunding In The Cryptocurrency Space

Creating a new token and selling it to fund the development of software has become a preferred way of fundraising for cryptocurrency entrepreneurs. It€™s a tempting tool, allowing startups to avoid traditional investors, build a community and allow anyone anywhere to own a stake in the project. For participants, there is the promise of big financial upside and being part of novel undertakings.

Lisa Cheng, whose consulting firm Vanbex has accompanied many crowdsales, joined us for a discussion of this revolutionary way to fund and monetize open source software.

Topics covered included:

  • Why crowdfunding and cryptocurrency are a natural fit

  • A brief history of crowdsales in the cryptocurrency space

  • US securities law and the questionable legality of token sales

  • The value of writing a solid white paper before launching a sale

  • Elements of a successful coin launch

  • The role of companies like Swarm and Koinify in conducting crowdsales

Links mentioned in this episode:


Show notes

Epicenter Bitcoin is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain & Sbastien Couture.

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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