Tuesday 13 January 2015

TBS EP10 - Peertracks - Eddie Corral and Cdrik Cobban


First of all let me say hello again.

It is great to be back!

I stepped down from Bitcoins and Gravy (and left you in the very capable hands of John Barrett) to focus on my own podcast TheToyBoxStudioShow.com to help audio professionals take their recording studio to the next level.

I am incredibly honored to be back here with you all at Let's Talk Bitcoin!

I missed you guys.

Lij Shaw



My guests today are two ground breaking visionaries that join me from both the music world and the cryptographic digital currency world. Eddie Corral and Cdrik Cobban came across my radar when I was hosting Bitcoins and Gravy with John Barrett. Eddie and Cdrik are taking the technology that powers Bitcoin and applying it to marketing music using a new platform called Peertracks.com which is built on the Bitshares network.

Eddie has over 25 years in the music business working with major label artists and establishing independent talent. From radio promotion to national touring, Eddie brings his vast knowledge of the industry and integrates it with the crypto world. Cdrik got into Bitcoin in 2011, then discovered BitShares and decided to spearhead BitShares Music in february 2014.

Understanding the new technology behind block chains, Bitshares, Peertracks and creating new digital currencies can be a lot to grasp all at once. So hang on tight as Eddie and Cdrik help shed some light on this amazing new platform and the potential to reinvent the music market in a way that gives new meaning to being part of a fan club.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments about Peertracks and what you would like to see included in a new platform for music:



You can learn more about what we discussed here:

Peertracks and follow them on Twitter or Facebook

If you want to get started go buy Notes go here

To get Bitcoin you can use my affiliate link thorugh Coinbase the most trusted Bitcoin provider I know. Thanks you in advance for that as it can help fund my podcast!

And finally here are more helpful linksBitshares Music Foundation

Bit Shares

Bitcoins And Gravy a podcast about Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin?

I want to get some Bitcoin!

Discover Reddit and learn more about Peertracks. See how the voting mechanism could work for bands and music charts on Peertracks

via Lets Talk Bitcoin! http://ift.tt/1yg2JWR

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