Thursday 25 December 2014

Decentralizing Internet Plumbing: Episode 1 - Oleg Khovayko

Welcome to the pilot episode of Decentralizing Internet Plumbing

We intend to cover topics involving blockchain-based approaches to fixing some of the problems related to the current Internet infratructure. This includes core services like the Domain Name System (DNS), messaging sysytems like email and chat services, cloud storage systems, distributed applications and more.

Episode 1 - Show Notes

Mike and Dante discuss recent events:

  • seized and auctioned off by registrar due to invalid WHOIS info

  • was hijacked, spotlighting the weak email-based security of traditional domain names

  • German court upholds crazy ruling holding registrar reponsible for torrent tracking site content

And we have an exclusive interview with Oleg Khovayko from Emercoin Project discussing what makes this system different from others in the space. Emercoin implements blockchain-based DNS, acts as a name-value store, finds clever uses for storing credentials on a blockchain and more.

We discuss design considerations for Emercoin like the sliding domain name registration costs, minimum transaction fees, their modified Peercoin hybrid PoW/PoS, the rationale for using STUN protocol, storing SSH credentials on-chain, folding at home project, minecraft in-game currency, and other uses for Emercoin's 20k storage in Name-Value pairs. We also ask Oleg what the future plans are for Emercoin.

Apologies in advance for the poor audio quality, we'll certainly work to improve this in future episodes. Also the length of this pilot episiode is long, so be prepared to dive in deep.


We use many sources to prepare for discussions of these topics, but here are the most accessible and thoughtful links we found on the topics covered in this podcast. Domain Name Seized and Auctioned Off Lost By Mistake:

ICANN's Expert Working Group recommendations for WHOIS changes:


Official Emercoin Website: Hijacked

Story via Security Week:

Youtube video where traffic was redirected:

German Court Upholds Crazy Ruling Against Key Systems Registrar

From the Washington Post:


Content for today's show provided by Mike Ward, Dante DeAngelis, Oleg Khovayko and of course the late Senator Ted Stevens.

This episode was edited by Mike Ward. Music by @superfunky59, remix based on remarks in the public domain spoken by the late Senator Ted Stevens. Cover image by @Bearerofthecup.

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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