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Friday 12 December 2014

Community Roundup #11

With Bitcoin Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Bitcoin Giving Tuesday now behind us, many are starting to get back in to the swing of things here on the Let's Talk Bitcoin community.

The forums are abuzz with activity and we've seen a large number of improvements to the submission system on the website.

Perhaps you've been thinking about writing something for Let's Talk Bitcoin in the past. If you haven't taken an opportunity to do so, consider checking out the new submissions system. If you have written on the site in the past and have been on the fence about writing again, take a few minutes and give the new system a test. I'm sure you'll find the changes really enhance the entire experience.

@cryptonaut has updated the submissions system to feature versions (see previous revisions), private editorial comments, a new submissions' form and look, and a per submission fee.

The new fee is designed to reduce spam from the editorial system; however, you'll receive LTBcoin just as before if your work is published to help supplement the fee you paid to initially submit the feature. It is totally worth it and I'll have another post in the near future discussing the new process.

In the meantime, check out this thread if you are looking to read up on some of the changes to the forums system and the submission system for articles.

One thing that I stumbled upon this week--which is one of the coolest things I have seen on the Let's Talk Bitcoin community--is this thread featuring an early version of a comic being developed by @rockbarcellos. Head on over to the thread to check it out and leave some feedback or offer some help!

If you are looking to make some LTBcoin for helping out a fellow forum member, be sure to check out this thread where @SovBTC is offering some coins to help with the gathering of contacts. If you are looking to make some extra LTBcoin, this could be an excellent opportunity for you.

@Rob and his show, The Bitcoin Game, has a very special guest on his latest episode. If you haven't listened to the latest episode, be sure to do that here. (His guest for this episode is @adam.)

@jamesmm is looking for recommendations on services for buying and selling bitcoins. He is currently a user of Coinbase, but is looking at alternatives. Be sure to chime in and let him know about your favorite services.

How do you feel about cloud mining? Let's get a lively discussion of the merits, the issues, and the hard questions regarding it. Be sure to join the discussion and let me know your thoughts.

If you still haven't joined the Let's Talk Bitcoin community, please do so and be sure to introduce yourself on the forums. I'd love to chat with you!

Thanks to our wonderful members as always for taking the time to stop by, and an extra special thanks for checking out this roundup. See you all again soon!

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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