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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Beginning of the End for Clickbait?

My blog used to be fairly popular. I personally wrote articles every week and sometimes everyday. I was tracking the number of unique visits per day using Google Analytics and the statistics looked great. We were getting thousands of unique visitors each week, and I started getting emails from advertisers. I remembered thinking;

Wow, we can make enough money to pay for hosting, maybe even enough to fund some product giveaways and buy lunch here and there!"

Looking back, I wish I had never tried to monetize my blog because it started to erode the quality of the user experience.

I fell victim to the allure of advertising money, and my blog quickly became overrun by annoying clickbait and popup ads.

Fast forward to present day, and I am proud to say that my blog is completely ad free!

My savior? The advent of micro-tipping using Bitcoin, specifically the wonderful world of ChangeTip!I first encountered ChangeTip whilst surfing Reddit and quickly became obsessed with sending people bits via Reddit and Twitter! It was the most fun I'd had using social networks for a long time. It felt like I could reach through the screen and make a positive difference in someone else's day.

I browsed the ChangeTip blog and realized that I could in fact remove the horrible clickbait advertisements from my blog and replace them with a simple tip button. I wrote an article on my site and quickly received enough tips to pay for registration and hosting in 2015!

The removal of pay-per-click ads from my blog felt like a breath of fresh air. I now feel that the site has returned to focusing on the important things: the content; the content creators; and most importantly, the user experience!

Installing the ChangeTip Wordpress plugin made the whole process super easy, and I would definitely recommend it to any website or blog owners out there.

Hats off to the ChangeTip team and the magic that is micro-tipping with Bitcoin

If you would like to learn more about ChangeTip please visit their site.

This is my very first Let's Talk Bitcoin article, and I would love to hear your feedback.



via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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