Monday 27 October 2014

The Bitcoin Game #2 - Factom

Welcome to episode number two of The Bitcoin Game. I'm your host, Rob Mitchell. In this episode I talk to Peter Kirby about Factom, a distributed application that functions as a scalable permanent system of record. We also talk about the Texas Bitcoin Conference, and finally, discuss the price and value of Bitcoin.

Listen for the magic word, and submit it to your account to claim your share of the weekly distribution of LTBcoin. The magic word must be submitted within four days of this episode's release.

There's another part of this show, but you'll just have to listen to find out what that's about (you'll want to move quickly).

More info about the interview at:

To be able to receive special tokens, you'll need to have a Counterparty wallet and/or a Dogeparty wallet set up:

Music in this episode was created by me, or with friends and family. Ganesh Painting Company is the name of one of the jam bands I feature live recordings of regularly. Feel free to contact me if you want more info about any music you hear on the podcast.

Stay in touch with the show:

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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