Sunday 28 September 2014

P2P Connects Us - Episode 2

On today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about Uber’s new political strategy, California Public Utilities Commission’s ire with Transportation Network Companies, BitTorrent opens Bleep Alpha to the public, the Ripple vs Stellar debate, and last but certainly not least, sharepreneur Chelsea Rustrum joins the show to tell us about life in the sharing economy.

P.S. The magic word is tricky in this one, you'll have to read between the lines to find it!

Dark Wallet + Open Bazaar integration Github repo

Behavior Driven Development doc and meetup notes

Coins In The Kingdom

P2P Connects Us sponsor token auction

Uber hires David Plouff

Uber sponsors police militarization convention

Uber teams up with Hiring Our Heroes

Lyft, Sidecar, and Uber receive nastygrams from the CPUC

BitTorrent Bleep Alpha goes public

Stellar network experiences 10+ hour outage

Ripple Labs comes to an agreement with Jed McCaleb

Chris Larsen pledges 7 billion XRP to charity

It’s a Shareable Life” book

The magic word is "shareable"

“One Couch at a Time” documentary

Living the New Economy Convergence

Content for today’s episode was provided by John Light and Chelsea Rustrum

Music for today’s episode was “Curbside Killers” by Pskov

via Lets Talk Bitcoin!

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