Saturday 31 August 2019

The Crypto Custody Conundrum: What Are We Even Talking About?

New tech usually struggles with vocabulary, says Noelle Acheson. With bitcoin, the confusion rubs off integral concepts in securities legislation.

via CoinDesk

Friday 30 August 2019

Billionaire Investor Eyes $1 Billion Crypto Hedge Fund

Billionaire head of Brevan Howard hedge fund, Alan Howard, is launching a crypto portfolio platform that aims to make stable investments in a notoriously volatile market.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Magazine - Dr. Maxim Orlovsky on Storm and Bitcoin

In this episode, Bitcoin Magazine staff writer, Vlad Costea talks with Dr Maxim Orlovsky, a neuroscientist turned Bitcoin researcher, engineer and entrepreneur, whose has published the concept for a new 2nd layer Bitcoin Protocol called Storm.

After revealing the project's GitHub repository and starting an interesting conversation on Reddit, Orlovsky has quickly turned to Bitcoin developers for advice and constructive criticism: More specifically, his proposal was included in the bitcoin-dev mailing list on August 19, 2019, and reputed users like ZmnSCPxj and Stefan Richter have already provided their feedback.

In a nutshell, Storm is about creating a framework which resembles the BitTorrent technology but with the financial incentives of Bitcoin's second layer. As in the token project, regular node operators don't have to store any of the data on their hard drives, as participation is voluntary and ad-hoc. Also, according to Orlovsky, the data that gets sent for storage gets divided into multiple pieces for greater security, so that no single entity that offers disk space is able to access the contents. However, those who store data are required to run full Bitcoin and Lightning nodes as a way of guaranteeing the seamless transfer of satoshis.

Interview Resources:

Vlad Costea on Twitter @TheVladCostea

The Bitcoin Magazine Podcast is also on:

Find more episodes of The Bitcoin Magazine Podcast here!

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Telegram’s Blockchain Will Be Compatible With Ethereum: Source

Telegram's new blockchain project will be able to support dapps built for ethereum, says TON Labs CEO Alexander Filatov.

via CoinDesk

4 Minute Crypto: I Need A Little Help From My Friends

Last week I was at the BitBlockBoom Bitcoin Conference in Dallas, Texas, which was a blast. While there I met quite a few people that told me they love the show but wish I would produce new episodes more often.

You can imagine my reaction since I already produce a new episode every weekday.


YouTube Channel


Gary is available to keynote or emcee your Bitcoin/Crypto event. Please email for additional info.

DISCLAIMER: This article should not be taken as is, and is not intended to provide, investment advice.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Join the CoinDesk Team In Tel Aviv

CoinDesk is heading to Tel Aviv on September 12 and we'd love to see you.

via CoinDesk

Brian Lockhart on Running a Bitcoin Full Node - WBD142

'œYou've got to be honest and say how many problems is Bitcoin solving for you? It's adding problems man, it's making it harder for you but what do you get for your trouble? You get permission-less, unconfiscatable money' and that is valuable.''" Brian Lockhart

Location: Skype

Date: Monday, 26th August

Project: Casa

Role: Product Manager

Full nodes are fundamental to the security of the Bitcoin network by maintaining decentralisation and validating transactions and blocks by enforcing consensus rules.

While running a full node is an act of supporting the Bitcoin network, it also ensures that you are not trusting any third party. If a transaction breaks consensus rules, then your node will reject it, irrespective of what others nodes do. Further, running a full node offers increased privacy and safety.

So why do so few Bitcoiners run a full node?

Many either do not understand the benefits of running a full node and/or find it intimidating. While there are many useful online guides, most rely on at least some technical ability and not everyone has the inclination, hardware requirements or technical knowledge.

The difficulties mean many, understandably, opt to use a hardware wallet, lite wallet and even trust exchanges or custodial wallets to secure their Bitcoin.

It is hard to put a number on the number of nodes in operation, but certainly, the total amount is a long way off Luke Dashjr's target of 85% adoption.

How can more users be encouraged to run a full node?

Casa is one company trying to help by solving some of the friction points around education, design and user experience. Casa offers an out of the box, plug-and-play Bitcoin and Lightning node.

In this interview, I sit down with Brian Lockhart from Casa to talk about Bitcoin full nodes. We discuss why it is vital to the individual and for the Bitcoin community, and how Casa is working to make it easier for people to run a full node.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Zcash Developer Electric Coin Company Says It Avoided Layoffs Despite Q1 Loss

The Electric Coin Company (ECC) has issued its Q3 2019 transparency report saying the company had avoided layoffs throughout the bear market despite being in the red.

via CoinDesk

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies Now Trading Below 200-Day Price Averages

Bitcoin now stands alone in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market value at CoinMarketCap with the rest having fallen below a key long-term moving average.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Price Faces Third Monthly Loss of 2019

Down 4.8 percent from the monthly opening price, bitcoin looks set to end August on a negative note and is on track to register its third monthly loss of the year.

via CoinDesk

IBM-Maersk Logistics Blockchain to Be Used by Thai Customs Department

The Customs Department of Thailand will begin trialing IBM and Maersk's TradeLens blockchain platform for international shipping.

via CoinDesk

Capital One Hacker Used Stolen Computing Power to Mine Crypto

Capital One hacker Paige Thompson had been using stolen computing power to mine cryptocurrencies, a federal grand jury indictment revealed.

via CoinDesk

Thursday 29 August 2019

Binance Funds 40 Developers to Build Open-Source Crypto Software

One of the world's largest crypto exchanges has launched an initiative to boost open-source blockchain development.

via CoinDesk

UN Official: Crypto Makes Policing Child Trafficking ‘Exceptionally Difficult’

Cryptocurrencies provide a "new layer of secrecy that favors the criminals," said a top-ranking staffer of the UN's Office on Drugs and Crime.

via CoinDesk

Why Tether Volume Surged to All-Time Highs in August

The dollar-pegged stablecoin tether (USDT) has become a virtual bridge between Chinese traders and global markets.

via CoinDesk

Amberdata Discovers ‘RPC Call’ Bug in Parity Ethereum Client

A new code release of the Parity ethereum client was released on Thursday to patch a security vulnerability found by blockchain startup Amberdata.

via CoinDesk

World’s Largest Aircraft Manufacturer Joins Hedera Hashgraph Council

Boeing will run a node on Hedera Hashgraph's blockchain-like enterprise DLT platform after becoming the latest member of its governing council.

via CoinDesk

China’s Digital Currency Will Be Two-Tiered, Replace Cash: Binance

Binance claims the PBOC’s system will allow fund transfers without the need for a bank account using what it terms ‘decoupled’ banking.

via CoinDesk

Crypto-Mining Malware Attacks up 29% in Q1: McAfee Report

McAfee said some of the attacks had worm capabilities, allowing it to jump from server to server.

via CoinDesk

Crypto Lender Dharma Pivots to Stablecoin Savings Accounts

Dharma is getting out of the lending business, launching its V2 on the Compound protocol and focusing on savings accounts for DAI and USDC.

via CoinDesk

SEC Settles Charges With Crypto Token Issuers Accused of Fraud

The SEC settled charges with two individuals accused of selling unregistered securities with the Bitqy and BitqyM token sales.

via CoinDesk

Ethereum Client Becomes First Public Blockchain Project on Hyperledger

Hyperledger is adding the ConsenSys-backed, enterprise-focused Pantheon to its consortium, deepening its relationship with the ethereum community.

via CoinDesk

SBI Holdings Will Pay a Shareholder Dividend in XRP

SBI Holdings, the investment arm of Japanese financial giant SBI Group, will pay out dividends in the third largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, XRP.

via CoinDesk

Telegram Will Release Code for Its TON Blockchain on Sept. 1

Telegram is expected to release the code needed to run nodes on its TON blockchain on Sunday, two sources tell CoinDesk. The release will allow developers to test TON nodes in advance of a mainnet launch at the end of October.

via CoinDesk

Hedera Hashgraph Blockchain to Launch, Release Coins Starting Sept. 16

Hedera Hashgraph is adding the first American financial services provider, FIS Global, to its governing council just weeks before a planned mainnet launch.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Eyes $9K Price Support After Drop to One-Month Lows

Having dived out of a narrowing price range, bitcoin is looking weak and may end up falling to $9,000 in the next 24 hours.

via CoinDesk

Wednesday 28 August 2019

The Crypto Show Paul Snow On PegNet, RamHash & Stable Coins On The Factom Blockchain Oh My!

Today Paul Snow discusses the release of a commodity pegged stable coin built on the Factom Blockchain.Pegnet is currently pegged to about 30 different currencies as well as gold, silver and other precious metals.It's proof of work mining is the first ever to run on this new CPU algo RamHash.

Sponsored by

coming soon Epic.Tech

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Coinbase Study Says 56% of Top 50 Universities Have Crypto Classes

Compared to last year, twice as many university students, or 18 percent, partook in a crypto or blockchain class.

via CoinDesk

R3 Partners With Dubai Firm to Tap $120 Billion Sukuk Market

Wethaq will use R3 Corda to streamline the issuance and distribution of the Islamic financial certificates.

via CoinDesk

Santiago Stock Exchange to Partner in Blockchain Alliance

The Santiago Stock Exchange (STE), Central Securities Depository (DCV) and the Global Trade Directory (GTD) will form a blockchain association to improve communications for stock market investors.

via CoinDesk

Blockcrunch - Nervos: Can Smart Contract Platforms be Stores of Value? | Asia Series | Kevin Wang

Nervos, a highly discussed project in China, takes a novel approach to building a smart contract platform that accrues value to the native asset. Kevin Wang joins me as part of the Asia series to discuss:

  • Why Nervos will be the only PoW smart contract platform

  • Why stake centralization is worse than mining centralization

  • How Nervos solves the state bloat problem and accrues value

Host: Jason Choi (@MrJasonChoi).

If you enjoyed the show, consider tipping! This show is not financial advice.

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ETH: 0xdec40AA30B9C562aB4b839529BfC290C1B5Da61E


Disclaimer: Jason Choi is an investor at Spartan Capital, the hedge fund arm of The Spartan Group. All opinions expressed by Jason and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of The Spartan Group and any of its subsidiaries and personnel. This podcast is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. The Spartan Group and its clients may hold positions in assets described in the episode. Detailed‚disclaimers available at and‚

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Blockcrunch - Asia Series: What Crypto Investors Miss in Asia - Alex Shin

What do crypto investors in the West get wrong about the Asia crypto scene? Alex Shin, former Partner of Korea's largest crypto fund, Hashed, joins us in discussing:

  • US vs. Asia retail market differences
  • Why valuations differ across continents
  • How Korea became a crypto hub‚
  • Corporations' attitudes to crypto in Asia
  • and much more

Host: Jason Choi (@MrJasonChoi).

If you enjoyed the show, consider tipping! This show is not financial advice.

BTC: 3EFSLnPpme6Lo6DynN1bVV9owooueFvEmJ

ETH: 0xdec40AA30B9C562aB4b839529BfC290C1B5Da61E


Disclaimer: Jason Choi is an investor at Spartan Capital, the hedge fund arm of The Spartan Group. All opinions expressed by Jason and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of The Spartan Group and any of its subsidiaries and personnel. This podcast is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. The Spartan Group and its clients may hold positions in assets described in the episode. Detailed‚disclaimers available at and‚

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Crypto Market Sees Red as Bitcoin Price Drops $600 in 30 Minutes

Beginning at 17:50 UTC and lasting until 18:20 UTC, BTC witnessed a large pullback from $10,200 to $9,600.

via CoinDesk

Crypto-Jacking Virus Infects 850,000 Servers, Hackers on the Run With Millions

French cybersecurity, officials dubbed 'cyber gendarmes,' announced the disabling of an 850,000 server botnet operating mostly in Latin America.

via CoinDesk

Customers Can Deposit Bitcoin to Bakkt’s Warehouse Starting Next Week

Bakkt said Wednesday it would start offering customers access to its secure bitcoin storage warehouse starting Sept. 6.

via CoinDesk

Author Jimmy Song Talks About the Little Bitcoin Book

This week on CoinDesk Live our own Brady Dale talks with Jimmy Song about his new book.

via CoinDesk

Korea’s SFC Chair Nominee Intends to Maintain Go-Slow Approach to Crypto

Eun Sung-soo made reformist comments but he was still cautious about crypto and offered no boost to the sector

via CoinDesk

They Biked, Ran and Swam Over 200 Miles Across Europe – All for Bitcoin

A group of bitcoin enthusiasts just ran, biked and swam across Europe, all to promote the cryptocurrency they believe is leaving a powerful, positive mark on the world. The first “Satoshi Freeathlon” officially finished this weekend, in which a group of seven bitcoin enthusiasts flexing their athletic abilities by journeying from Switzerland’s “Crypto Valley” in […]

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Price Hovers Above $10.1K As Momentum Stalls Near Key Indicator

Bitcoin's price action continues to stall as the fight between buyers and sellers falls quiet above the 100-day average of price.

via CoinDesk

Political Group Launches ‘ICO’ to Support US House Candidate

BitPAC is conducting a "politicoin" ICO as part of its efforts to support candidates like North Carolina's Dan Bishop.

via CoinDesk

Charlie Lee Vows to Keep Funding Litecoin Foundation Amid Pay Cuts

Litecoin creator Charlie Lee said he remains committed to funding the Litecoin Foundation regardless of its financial standing.

via CoinDesk

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Bitcoin Teeters on $10K, But Can It Fend Off Another Bear?

Bitcoin’s (BTC) recent market movements have thrown into contention the mid-term direction with some asking if BTC’s demand is enough to beat off another bear market? 

via CoinDesk

Drug Dealers Who Used Crypto Sentenced to Prison

Five drug dealers who used cryptocurrencies to launder their funds were sentenced to varying jail terms on Monday.

via CoinDesk

Telegram Pushes Ahead With Plans for ‘Gram’ Cryptocurrency

By Nathaniel Popper via NYT Technology

Libra Association’s Crypto Members Remain Unfazed by Regulatory Backlash

Despite government scrutiny, crypto firms in the Libra Association say they're committed to the project.

via CoinDesk

Venezuelan Pharmacy Chain to Accept Cryptocurrency Payments

The retail pharmacy chain has 22 locations that will be equipped with dash-enabled payment systems.

via CoinDesk

Judge Confirms Ruling: Craig Wright to Forfeit 50% of Bitcoin Holdings

In a court document published August 27, Judge Bruce Reinhart confirmed Craig Wright must forfeit half his bitcoin and intellectual property acquired prior to 2014.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Magazine - A Conversation with and Salt Lending from Bitcoin 2019

Bitcoin is the best performing asset in the last ten years, but behind the price, there's a lot going on. In this episode, we cover the top news stories over the past two weeks then feature two interviews from the Bitcoin 2019 conference. The first is with Sean Rach, CMO of, and the second is with Jenny Shaver, COO of Salt Lending.‚




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The Bitcoin Magazine Podcast is also on:

Find more episodes of The Bitcoin Magazine Podcast here!

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

The Tatiana Show Ep. 213 Derrick Freeman of Anypay

It is never a dull moment when Derrick Freeman stops by. We talked about using the Anypay app to pay with crypto everywhere, from drag queen shows in New Hampshire, to getting a cup of coffee in NYC. They even have cash back incentives if you use crypto to pay for everyday items. He recently attended PorcFest and helped raise $10,000 toward the Free Ross campaign. We were sad that Josh could not make it to this conversation though, I know he was looking forward to it. Speaking of which, thank you so much to our sponsors Vaultoro and Salt Lending. Be sure to share our show on your socials.

About the Guests:

Derrick J Freeman is all about having fun and leading by example. That's why for years he helps small and large business owners take Bitcoin from their customers, and closing the loop by using the bitcoin to buy products for their business. He is the chief marketing officer of a software business called Anypay based in the Free State of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He and his partner created a Bitcoin Village there where they can eat, work, and play with bitcoin. Together they build tools to make bitcoiners' lives easier and more fun, such as the Anypay Point of Sale app, Bitcoin Cash Back, and AntiWallet.

If you like this content, please send a tip with BTC to: 1Q2QHoNowg8D2QzWhBQU1YrraG771aCpgS

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Friends and Sponsors of the Show:

You are listening to the Tatiana Show. This show may contain adult content, language, and humor and is intended for mature audiences. If that's not you, please stop listening. Nothing you hear on The Tatiana Show is intended as financial advice, legal advice, or really, anything other than entertainment. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Oh, and if you're hearing to us on an affiliate network, the ideas and views expressed on this show, are not necessarily of the those of the network you are listening on, or of any sponsors or any affiliate products you may hear about on the show.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

P2P Exchange Hodl Hodl Sneaks Around China’s Google Firewall

Hodl Hodl said Google's reCAPTCHA service, blocked by Chinese firewalls, prevented Asian users from logging on.

via CoinDesk

Anthony Sassano & Eric Conner: EthHub '" Ethereum Education and the Quest for Ether Dominance

We're joined by Eric Conner and Anthony Sassano, founders of EthHub. Started in January of 2019, EthHub's goal is to provide a trusted, objective source of information for the Ethereum ecosystem. The platform is made up of an open-source documentation website, a weekly newsletter, and a podcast, 'œInto the Ether' hosted by Eric and Anthony. Both active and vocal members of the Ethereum community, they are known to embody what some consider to be Ethereum Maximalism.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • What is EthHub and why they decided to start the organization
  • Eric and Anthony's view on the current state of the Ethereum community
  • The different cliques, factions, and sub-groups in Ethereum
  • The role of the Foundation and Vitalik Buterin as they see it
  • A close look into project funding in Ethereum and the emergence of DAOs for funding
  • Reflections on Anthony's 'œWhy Ether is Valuable' piece
  • The state of Ethereum 2.0 research and the different parties involved
  • Their views on where the crypto space is heading in the next 5 years

Links mentioned in this episode:


  • Vaultoro: Trade gold to Bitcoin instantly and securely starting at just 1mg
  • Trail of Bits: Trust the team at the forefront of blockchain security research

This episode is hosted by Sebastien Couture & Sunny Aggarwal. Show notes and listening options:

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Winklevoss Twins’ Gemini Exchange Joins Silvergate Crypto Lending Network

The Silvergate Exchange Network provides a frictionless way to transfer U.S. dollars "around the clock."

via CoinDesk

4 Agencies Are Investigating Crypto Exchange QuadrigaCX

A report from QuadrigaCX bankruptcy trustee Ernst & Young published Monday outlines which agencies are investigating the failed exchange.

via CoinDesk

Stephan Livera on Austrian Economics, Libertarianism and Bitcoin - WBD141

'œDemocracy is a soft form of socialism.''" Stephan Livera

Location: Skype

Date: Thursday, 22nd August

Project: The Stephan Livera Podcast

Role: Host

The principles of Austrian Economics and Libertarianism have grown in awareness with the rise of Bitcoin. Where Austrian Economists have adopted Bitcoin as the hardest form of money, conversely, Bitcoiners have become aware of Austrian Economics as an alternative model for the economy.

Bitcoin is the perfect monetary tool for proponents of both Austrian Economics and Libertarianism. The principles of a free market, removing central banks and taking power away from the state are inherent features of Bitcoin.

These topics are hotly debated within the Bitcoin community but can also be difficult concepts for beginner's to understand. Many have only known a world of identity politics dominated by left and right-wing arguments, and a shift to a society without a state is mostly theoretical. It is useful to explore these subjects, to challenge not only the role of the state but its reach. Are socialist policies flawed? Are salaries caps and minimum wage policies ultimately harmful? Why do free markets outperform regulated markets?

In this interview, I speak with my buddy and fellow podcaster Stephan Livera, to learn more about Austrian Economics and Libertarianism. Stephan explains why Bitcoin is the perfect tool for a free market and taking control away from the state.

This episode is also on:

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

POV Crypto - On Mass Adoption with Evan Bayless

Evan Bayless, Growth Marketer for Kraken's Cryptowatch comes on to POV Crypto to discuss the trends, narratives, and macroeconomic events necessary for mass adoption of Bitcoin and Crypto. Evan discusses the challenges with DeFi and why 'œNumber go up' is such an important meme. Please enjoy this wide-ranging conversation with Evan Bayless!

Please rate and share the podcast!

You can find us‚@POVCryptopod‚on Twitter.‚

David Hoffman on Twitter and Medium‚@TrustlessState

Christian Keroles on Twitter‚@ck_SNARKs

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via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Coinbase-Backed Nomics Launches Trading Transparency Product

Of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap, only binance coin has a transparency rating over 30 percent, Nomics CEO Clay Collins said.

via CoinDesk

Facebook’s Libra Project Launches Bug Bounty With $10,000 Max Reward

The Libra Association will pay up to $10,000 to independent security researchers who find bugs in the Libra blockchain.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin May Suffer Deeper Drop Below This Price Average

Bitcoin's pullback from June's high of $13,880 will likely gather pace if key moving average support is breached.

via CoinDesk

Arrington XRP Backs Fund’s $200 Million Raise for Algorand Blockchain

Arrington XRP, NGC Ventures, among others, have backed a $200 million fund launched by a capital firm dedicated to investing in the Algorand blockchain ecosystem.

via CoinDesk

Coinbase’s Ex-Policy Head Will Lobby for Facebook Amid Libra Crypto Pushback

Facebook has hired a lobbying firm led by a former head of policy at Coinbase amid regulatory pushback from U.S. lawmakers over its Libra project.

via CoinDesk

Loom Launches ‘CryptoZombies’ Tutorial to Get Coders on Facebook’s Libra

Get the basics of Facebook's new Libra blockchain with a free online tutorial from Loom. JUST IN: Learn Facebook's new @Libra_ blockchain with ... zombies? @loomnetwork has built a free tutorial for curious devs. LINK @BradyDale reports

via CoinDesk

Monday 26 August 2019

Beyond USD: The Next Frontier for Stablecoins

The next generation of stablecoins will eschew the U.S. dollar as their basis, writes Bitspark's George Harrap.

via CoinDesk

Judge Recommends Ruling in Favor of Kleiman in Craig Wright Case

A magistrate judge has recommended that Craig Wright turn over 50% of his bitcoin and intellectual property from before 2014 to Ira Kleiman.

via CoinDesk

New Ransomware Targets Fortnite Players

A new ransomware masquerades as a Fortnite cheat and asks victims to pay up in crypto.

via CoinDesk

Australian Securities Exchange Building New Blockchain Platform With VMWare, Digital Asset

ASX and Digital Asset have signed a three-party memorandum of understanding (MOU) to build a replacement platform for the existing Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS) using distributed ledger technology.

via CoinDesk

Roger Ver–Backed CoinFlex Exchange Is Taking Aim at BitMEX Futures Market

CoinFlex closed a $10 million funding round backed by Polychain Capital and chairman Roger Ver, among others.

via CoinDesk

4 Minute Crypto - Bitcoin Broke Up With Roger Ver

In a seemingly random turn of events the twitter account @Bitcoin suddenly began promoting Bitcoin with its Twitter handle.


YouTube Channel


Gary is available to keynote or emcee your Bitcoin/Crypto event. Please email for additional info.

DISCLAIMER: This article should not be taken as is, and is not intended to provide, investment advice.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Overstock Loses Another Big Investor in Crypto Token Exchange tZERO

In the first investor call following the abrupt resignation of founder Patrick Byrne, Overstock provided a number of updates.

via CoinDesk

Crypto ‘Exchange of Exchanges’ ShortHop Expands to 7 US States

ShortHop offers traders access to its own order book as well as orders from other exchanges.

via CoinDesk

Binance Launches Crypto Lending With Up to 15 % Annualized Interest

Crypto exchange Binance is now offering users up to 15% in annualized interest for lending their crypto assets such as BNB and USDT.

via CoinDesk

Weekly Bitcoin Price Indicator Shows ‘Bear Cross’ in First Since February

A widely-tracked lagging bitcoin price indicator is reporting bearish conditions for the first time since February.

via CoinDesk

Liz Weston: Who Gets Your Digital Assets-Heirs or Hackers?

By The Associated Press via NYT Business Day

Don’t Worry, Overstock’s New CEO Is Already ‘Drunk on Bitcoin’s Kool-Aid’’s interim CEO Jonathan Johnson, the president of its subsidiary Medici Ventures, plans to continue the company's blockchain work.

via CoinDesk

Sunday 25 August 2019

Switzerland Meetings Didn’t Clear US Lawmaker’s Doubts on Facebook’s Libra

A U.S. lawmaker said her concerns with Facebook's Libra crypto project remain after meeting regulators in Switzerland.

via CoinDesk

25-Year-Old to Plead Guilty to Running Unlicensed Crypto Exchange

A man from Los Angeles agrees to plead guilty to charge for running an unlicensed crypto exchange without an effective AML program.

via CoinDesk

The Faketoshi Circus: Even Bitcoin Can’t Escape the Politics of Money

The latest effort by someone to present themselves as the creator of bitcoin says a lot about the propensity for drama in the ecosystem, Michael J Casey writes.

via CoinDesk

Let's Talk Bitcoin! #409 Another Perspective on India

On Today's Episode of Let's Talk Bitcoin...

Adam B. Levine, Stephanie Murphy & Jonathan Mohan are joined by Vignesh Sundaresan for a more local perspective on the realities in India and the recently proposed Indian Cryptocurrency Ban. This is a follow-up episode to our India's Catch-22 segment from LTB#407

Subscribe for free to get early access on our new LTB Show Only feed using your favorite service

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LTB #409 was sponsored by and featured Stephanie Murphy, Jonathan Mohan, Vignesh and Adam B. Levine. Music for this episode was provided by Jared Rubens, and general fuzz. This episode was edited by Steven Aram. Any questions or comments? email

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Burning Man & Crypto: Common Grounds

Burning Man, the mecca of tech industry parties, offers lessons for the cryptocurrency movement.

via CoinDesk

Saturday 24 August 2019

In Berlin, A ‘DAO Renaissance’ Begins

New tools and the rise of DeFi have made decentralized autonomous organizations, or DAOs, newly attractive to ethereum's top developers.

via CoinDesk

FTC Settles With Promoters of Multi-Level Marketing Crypto Scheme

Four promoters of crypto-denominated chain-referral scams are ordered to pay fines totaling less than $500,000.

via CoinDesk

Crypto Funds Are Outperforming – You Shouldn’t Be Surprised

Josh Gnaizda of Crypto Fund Research looks into possible reasons behind the relative performance of crypto funds vs bitcoin since Q1 2017.

via CoinDesk

Friday 23 August 2019

Maker Foundation Tried and Failed to Register ‘DEFI’ Trademark

Under current law, the responsibility of defending trademarks falls on the holder of the trademark.

via CoinDesk

UK Central Bank Governor Sees Digital Currency Displacing US Dollar as Global Reserve

BOE governor Mark Carney called on Friday for the creation of a wholly digital alternative to the U.S. dollar.

via CoinDesk

Largest Korean Exchange to Review Listings and Drop Failing Coins

Bithumb will assemble a committee to periodically review its listed cryptocurrencies, becoming the second exchange in Korea to update its listing policies.

via CoinDesk

Binance Offers VIP Accounts to Hacked Users

Binance will offer VIP accounts to affected users but recommends hacked users replace their government IDs.

via CoinDesk

Web3’s Gavin Wood Launches Kusama Network to Test Polkadot Protocol

The Web3 Foundation launched a live experimental version of the Polkadot network on Friday. Here's what Kusama will be testing.

via CoinDesk

Blockchain May Be Used in FDA Medical Reviews and Recalls

The FDA's acting chief information officer said the agency is rolling out a modernization plan using AI and blockchain.

via CoinDesk

Raoul Pal on Bitcoin as a Global Recession Hedge - WBD140

Location: Skype

Date: Tuesday, 20th July

Project: Real Vision Group

Role: Co-Founder & CEO

"Chancellor on the brink of second bailout for banks" the Times headline on 3rd Jan 2009 and the now infamous words included in the Bitcoin Genesis Block. This was Satoshi Nakamoto's message to the world as the Bitcoin protocol launched. Many believe this was also a carefully chosen message to establish Bitcoin's role.

The U.K.'s Chancellor of the Exchequer was about to bail out the U.K.'s failing banks for a second time. At the same time, Satoshi was releasing Bitcoin into the world as a way of controlling your own wealth, and bypassing the seemingly broken banking system. Now 10 years later, the world's economy is again in a fragile state with many economists predicting another global economic recession.

Bitcoin is seen as the antithesis to traditional finance, and if the global economy does turn to a recession, people may seek solace in Bitcoin as a hedge against legacy markets.

Raoul Pal is a leading macroeconomist who has worked for Goldman Sachs, managed hedge funds and advised to some of the largest funds in the world. He now runs Real Vision, a digital content platform with the aim of getting leading economist traders and hedge fund managers from across the globe to share their thoughts with everyone. Not just the select few.

In this interview, we discuss the possibility of a global financial crash, how likely it is that Bitcoin will become a safe haven, Bitcoins volatility, Brexit, as well as:

  • How to get people to care about Bitcoin
  • The 2008 Global Financial Crisis
  • Economic boom and bust cycles
  • Bitcoins volatility being the sign of a free market
  • How to protect our capital if there is another recession
  • How the banking system will look in the future
  • The threats from automation and AI
  • How behavioural economics is changing the world

This episode is also on:

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Canadians Charged for $220,000 Bitcoin Scam on Twitter

Two Canadian nationals posed as HitBTC customer service representatives in order to steal a user's login credentials.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Miners Are Heating Homes Free of Charge in Frigid Siberia

Hotmine makes a bitcoin mining rig that doubles as a home heating appliance. It's targeting places where winter is brutally cold.

via CoinDesk

$100,000 Crypto Donation to Amazon Rainforest Charity Blocked By BitPay

A large donation to a non-profit working to protect the Amazon rainforest has been blocked by compliance hurdles at crypto payments firm BitPay.

via CoinDesk

Craig Wright Again Claims Authorship of Bitcoin White Paper

Wright has made another attempt to cement his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto, posting bitcoin's white paper on a scientific paper hosting site.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Increasingly Bearish Despite Price Bounce to $10.2K

Bitcoin's recovery to $10,255 seen in the last 24 hours could be short-lived, suggest bearish price and volume indicators.

via CoinDesk

Litecoin’s Mining Power Has Fallen 28% Since Its Block Rewards Halving

Mining power on the litecoin network has dropped by 28 percent since its recent "halving" event as miners struggle for profit.

via CoinDesk

Tensions Rising at Facebook Libra as Backers Consider Quitting: Report

Several backers of Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency project are said to be considering backing out due to growing "pushback" from regulators.

via CoinDesk

Watching for a Recession (But Not Trying to Predict One)

By Ben Casselman via NYT Reader Center

Amazon Cloud Outage Causing Major Issues at Some Crypto Exchanges

Problems with Amazon's cloud service, AWS, in Tokyo are disrupting services at some cryptocurrency exchanges on Friday.

via CoinDesk

Circle Is Raising a $100 Million Fund for Its Crowdfunding Arm

Circle is hiring a new general partner to set up a $100 million venture capital fund via SeedInvest.

via CoinDesk

Thursday 22 August 2019

The Crypto Show Blockchain Across America With Jason King Texas Style

Today I talk with Jason King as he approaches the half way mark of his journey for an effort to raise awareness of not only Blockchain but homelessness as well.Jason is raising money for improvements to Satoshi Forest a homeless encampment in Florida that has been funded with crypto since 2014.Jason discusses the journey as well as the latest with Academy School of Blockchain Kingsland University.

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via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

CoinDesk Talks to Supporters, Critics at Craig Wright’s Contempt Hearing

CoinDesk travels to Florida to talk to supporters and detractors of the so-called creator of bitcoin.

via CoinDesk

Patrick Byrne, Overstock C.E.O., Resigns After Disclosing Romance With Russian Agent

By Cade Metz and Julie Creswell via NYT Business Day

Ethereum Poised to Be First Public Blockchain in Hyperledger Consortium

A proposal to add the ConsenSys-backed Pantheon project awaits a vote from the Hyperledger technical steering committee.

via CoinDesk

Overstock Shares Surge After CEO Patrick Byrne Quits

By Reuters via NYT Technology

POV Crypto - Ethereum 2.0 Progress with Alex Stokes

Alex Stokes (@ralexstokes) comes to PoV to discuss progress in ETH 2 developments, mechanisms and tradeoffs for its design choices.‚


  • Finality in Ethereum 2

  • Transfering finality to Ethereum 1

  • Reduced issuance / high security of PoS

  • Running Ethereum through Tor

  • Social Attacks with PoW vs PoS

  • Bullish/Bearish on timeline trajectory

Please rate and share the podcast!

You can find us‚@POVCryptopod‚on Twitter.‚

David Hoffman on Twitter and Medium‚@TrustlessState

Christian Keroles on Twitter‚@ck_SNARKs

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via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

PundiX’s Crypto Cash Registers Will Be Installed in 49 Retail Stores Across Venezuela

Traki department stores will integrate Pundi X’s point-of-sale device, XPOS, to offer a cryptocurrency payment rail for shoppers.

via CoinDesk

Cyberattacks on Texas Cities Put Other Governments on Guard

By The Associated Press via NYT U.S.

Coinbase Now Allows You to Access Dapps on Desktop Browsers

Coinbase Wallet saves users from installing browser extensions, moving private keys across devices, to administer their wallet funds on desktop browsers.

via CoinDesk

Rwanda’s Central Bank Is Researching a Possible Digital Currency Launch

The National Bank of Rwanda (NBR) is looking at other countries, specifically Canada, the Netherlands, and Singapore’s central bank digital currency research.

via CoinDesk

The Tatiana Show Ep. 212 John Light of Aragon One

John Light stopped by to talk to Josh and I about the Aragon Project, a platform for creating and managing blockchain based organizations. Decentralized project communications and smart contracts help budding businesses who operate remotely, but what does that really mean? We break it down in plain English, and explore how that will impact the future of commerce. Thanks for checking us out and a special thanks to our sponsors at Please share this content on your socials to help support the show!

About the Guests:

John Light is the Comms Team Lead at Aragon One, a company formed by the founders of the Aragon project to help build the tools and the community necessary for the project to succeed.

More Info:

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:

*You have been listening to the Tatiana Show. This show may contain adult content, language, and humor and is intended for mature audiences. If that's not you, please stop listening. Nothing you hear on The Tatiana Show is intended as financial advice, legal advice, or really, anything other than entertainment. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Oh, and if you're hearing to us on an affiliate network, the ideas and views expressed on this show, are not necessarily of the those of the network you are listening on, or of any sponsors or any affiliate products you may hear about on the show.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Ripple Partnership Provides New Payment Rail for UK Remittance Firm

Ripple's newest partnership will enable UK remittance firm, Xendpay, to move money to Southeast Asia in real time.

via CoinDesk

Iconloop Signs Deal With Art Site to Create Record of Ownership

The works include five by Lee Ufan, founder of the avant-garde School of Things, and three works of Whanki Kim, an early abstract artist in Korea.

via CoinDesk

Patrick Byrne, Cryptocurrency Champion, Resigns as Overstock CEO CEO Patrick Byrne has resigned from the company after admitting to an affair with Russian agent Maria Butina.

via CoinDesk

Crypto Futures Exchange Deribit Launching Bulk Derivatives Trading

Deribit is teaming with institutional traders' messaging service Paradigm to facilitate block trades of bitcoin and ether derivatives.

via CoinDesk

Major Banks Back $7.4 Million Funding Round for Korean Blockchain Firm

Blocko, a blockchain firm working on enterprise applications of the tech, says it's raised $7.44 million from investors including Shinhan Bank.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Selloff Stalls at Historical Price Support Near $10K

Bitcoin's defense of the 100-day price average and a bullish RSI divergence on the hourly chart call for a minor price bounce to $10,300.

via CoinDesk

Miller Lite Teams With Blockchain Firm for Customer Engagement Game

Miller Lite has partnered with a blockchain marketing company for a promotional game that utilizes blockchain and crypto collectibles.

via CoinDesk

Palestinian Civilians Are Using Bitcoin More Than Terrorists

Terrorists are using bitcoin, but they aren't the only ones. Here's the real story about bitcoin usage in Palestine.

via CoinDesk

Ransomware Attacks Are Testing Resolve of Cities Across America

By Marina Trahan Martinez, David E. Sanger and Manny Fernandez via NYT U.S.

Blockchain Education Initiatives Launch at California Universities

A VC-backed blockchain firm that helped curate courses at Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge is rolling out programs at three California universities.

via CoinDesk

Wednesday 21 August 2019

‘Power to the People’: Privacy Was the Rallying Cry of Berlin’s Web3 Summit

It may seem trivial in some cases, but digital anonymity is no joking matter to American whistleblower and privacy advocate Edward Snowden.

via CoinDesk

White House Advisory Says Virtual Currencies Used for Fentanyl Purchases

The White House advisories state "convertible virtual currencies," particularly bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, and monero, are actively being used on dark net markets.

via CoinDesk

Authorities Seize Crypto Mining Equipment from Nuclear Power Plant

Two raids of the South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant uncovered GPUs, hard drives, and cooling equipment used to mine cryptocurrencies.

via CoinDesk

New Flexa Tech Will Let You Spend Bitcoin From Other Apps Too

Mobile wallets and other apps will soon be able to plug into Flexa's payment rails and offer crypto payments to retailers.

via CoinDesk

Gemini Heads Down Under With Crypto Exchange Launch in Australia

Australia becomes the latest international location for the U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange.

via CoinDesk

Travelport, IBM Collaborate on Blockchain for Hotel Commissions

Blockchain will reduce the amount of discrepancies in booking data caused by hotel no-shows, overstays, and room modifications.

via CoinDesk

US Treasury Blacklists Bitcoin, Litecoin Addresses of Chinese ‘Drug Kingpins’

The U.S. Treasury's OFAC has put bitcoin and litecoin addresses of three Chinese nationals on its sanctions list, the second time the agency has blacklisted crypto wallets.

via CoinDesk

Tether to Issue Stablecoin Backed by Chinese Yuan in Belgian Bank: Insider

Tether is planning to issue a new stablecoin backed by Chiense yuan held in a bank in Belgium, says Bitfinex shareholder Zhao Dong.

via CoinDesk

You Can Now Earn Bitcoin Rewards for Postmates Purchases

Postmates has become the latest partner for Lolli's bitcoin rewards service.

via CoinDesk

South Korea’s Woori Financial Teams up with Kakao’s Crypto Payments Group

The banking company is latest major organization in the country to join the blockchain rush.

via CoinDesk

Crypto Asset NYM to Fuel Test of Tokenized Facebook Login Alternative

Privacy-focused Nym Technologies plans to launch a testnet this fall. Its identity system masks identifying user data across blockchains.

via CoinDesk

Ether’s Bull Run from December Lows Appears to Have Ended

Ethereum’s cryptocurrency, ether, is losing altitude, with signs suggesting the asset has ended a bull market from December lows with a drop below $200 last week. The second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization is currently trading at $183 on Bitfinex, representing a 7.3 percent drop on a 24-hour basis. Prices fell 10.18 percent last week and […]

via CoinDesk

SEC Approves Blockchain Tech Startup Securitize to Record Stock Transfers

Token issuance tech provider Securitize has registered as a transfer agent with the SEC, a move it says will boost blockchain adoption.

via CoinDesk

The Blockcrunch - Asia Series: What Crypto Investors Miss in Asia with Alex Shin

What do crypto investors in the West get wrong about the Asia crypto scene? Alex Shin, a former Partner of Korea's largest crypto fund, Hashed, joins us in discussing:

  • US vs. Asia retail market differences
  • Why valuations differ across continents
  • How Korea became a crypto hub
  • Corporations' attitudes to crypto in Asia

Host: Jason Choi @MrJasonChoi.

If you enjoyed the show, consider tipping! This show is not financial advice.

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Disclaimer: Jason Choi is an investor at Spartan Capital, the hedge fund arm of The Spartan Group. All opinions expressed by Jason and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of The Spartan Group and any of its subsidiaries and personnel. This podcast is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. The Spartan Group and its clients may hold positions in assets described in the episode. Detailed‚disclaimers available at and‚

Music Credit: Artificial Music Track Name: "Alone Two Days Ago" Music by Artificial.Music @ YT Channel HERE: Original upload HERE - License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License. Full License HERE - Music promoted by NCM

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

CommBank Develops Blockchain Marketplace to Boost Sustainable Development, Biodiversity

The prototype blockchain marketplace is aimed to support sustainable development and reward landowners for protecting the environment.

via CoinDesk

Cryptopia Exchange Kept Users’ Cryptos in Pooled Wallet: Liquidator

The liquidator for the collapsed Cryptopia exchange says the way the platform was managed is slowing up the task of determining user holdings.

via CoinDesk

Bitcoin Miners Halt Operations as Rainstorm Triggers Mudslides in China

A severe rainstorm in China's southwest has led to fatal mudslides, causing some local hydropower plants and bitcoin miners to halt operations.

via CoinDesk

Los terroristas ahora se financian con Bitcoin

By Nathaniel Popper via NYT en Español

Bitcoin Risks Slide to $9.5K After Sudden $700 Price Drop

Bitcoin may fall back to recent lows below $9,500, having strengthened the short-term bearish case with a $700 drop earlier today.

via CoinDesk

US Secretary of State Says Crypto Should Be Regulated Like SWIFT Transactions

Michael Pompeo has said he believes that cryptocurrencies should be regulated in the same way as electronic financial transactions.

via CoinDesk

Facebook Libra Already Facing an EU Antitrust Probe: Report

Facebook is reportedly already under investigation by the EU over antitrust issues related to its Libra cryptocurrency project.

via CoinDesk

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Vitalik Buterin: Increasing Transaction Costs Risk Limiting Ethereum Adoption

Buterin said altering verification could lower fees by a factor of 100 per transaction, freeing space for organizations to build on the blockchain.

via CoinDesk

Huobi Expanding DeFi Presence With MakerDao, Compound Support

Huobi is affirming it's DeFi-positive stance with the addition of the loan making vehicles MakerDao and Compound.

via CoinDesk

Austrian Telecommunications Giant to Accept Cryptocurrency

Founded in 1881, the A1 mobile network is looking to add dash, ethereum, litecoin, stellar, and ripple as payment options.

via CoinDesk

SEC Settles with ICO Service Over Undisclosed Payments for Positive Reviews

ICORating agreed to pay $106,998 in interest and a civil penalty of $162,000 without commenting on the SEC’s findings.

via CoinDesk

The Latest: Some Cities Recovered From Ransomware Attack

By The Associated Press via NYT U.S.

Is Spam Trying to Tell Us Something?

By John Herrman via NYT Style

Japan’s Largest Gift Card Exchange Expanding Internationally With Blockchain Firm

Amaten, a gift card marketplace, partnered with the Singapore-based cloud computing startup Aelf to make digital representations of gift cards.

via CoinDesk

The Tatiana Show Ep. 211 Socialism Sucks with Benjamin Powell

Benjamin Powell stopped to talk about his book that he co-authored with Robert Lawson, Socialism Sucks: Two Economists Drink Their Way Through the Unfree World. Their goal was to reach people, learn about socialist policies on the ground, and OK' have a good time! Beer turned out to be a good starting point, but we explore much more like what are the actual measures of socialism, capitalism, and communism? We compared hotels vs Airbnb in Cuba, Georian wine, and the more dire situations in North Korea and Venezuela. Nonetheless, this was a fun episode, with a dash of Austrian Economics. A special thank you to our sponsors, and for their continued support. Be sure to share the show on your socials!

About the Guests:

Benjamin is the Director of the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University where he also serves as a professor of economics in the Rawls College of Business. He is also a Senior Fellow with the Independent Institute and the North American Editor of the Review of Austrian Economics.

Prior to joining Texas Tech Benjamin was an Associate Professor of Economics at Suffolk University and an Assistant Professor of Economics at San Jos State University and the Director of the Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation at the Independent Institute.

Benjamin became interested in economics through the writings of Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, Ludwig Von Mises, and Murray Rothbard. He earned his Ph.D. from George Mason University in 2003 where he studied Austrian Economics and Public Choice Theory.

More Info:

Purchase Socialism Sucks

Friends and Sponsors of the Show:

*You have been listening to the Tatiana Show. This show may contain adult content, language, and humor and is intended for mature audiences. If that's not you, please stop listening. Nothing you hear on The Tatiana Show is intended as financial advice, legal advice, or really, anything other than entertainment. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Oh, and if you're hearing to us on an affiliate network, the ideas and views expressed on this show, are not necessarily of the those of the network you are listening on, or of any sponsors or any affiliate products you may hear about on the show.

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

Dan Shin: Terra '" The Stable Currency Tackling the Ecommerce Payments Market

This week we're joined by Daniel Shin. He is the Co-Founder of Terra Money and previous CEO and Co-Founder of TMON, one of Korea's largest players e-commerce platforms. Today he talks about his success in that area and how that drove him to enter the cryptocurrency and blockchain space with this new project.

Daniel was lead to blockchain when looking for a solution to reduce transaction fees paid by online merchants. Not satisfied with just using an existing stable coin, he set about to make his own, which is how Terra was born.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Daniel's background with TMON and his need to explore new transaction cost-cutting ideas
  • How Daniel discovered that cryptocurrencies may help reduce intermediaries in the payment space
  • Terra's impressive partnerships with some of Korea's largest e-commerce players
  • The stability mechanism and the role of the Luna token
  • The role of miners in Terra and the currency's seigniorage model
  • Comparisons to other stablecoins like Maker DAI and Libra
  • The contingency plans in the event of a catastrophic plummet in demand
  • How Cosmos formed the basis on which Terra was built
  • Terra's business model and product roadmap

Links mentioned in this episode:


  • Cosmos: Join the most interoperable ecosystem of connected blockchains

This episode is hosted by Sebastien Couture & Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options:

via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

POV Crypto - Fight Night VII: Dramatic Memes

Bitcoiners and Ethereans are fighting on Crypto-twitter again. Bitcoiners claiming scam and fraud is apart of Ethereum's DNA. Ethereans claim double-standard, for a blockchain that requires perpetually growing BTC price...

David and Christian attempt to parse out details and nuances.

  • @Bitstein triggers everyone
  • ICO's are scams is now relevant again
  • Cryptotwitter is fighting
  • ETHTrader forks to ETHFinance
  • BTC and ETH till the end

Please rate and share the podcast!

You can find us on Twitter.‚

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Christian Keroles on Twitter

Andrew on Twitter

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via The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network

SEC’s Top Crypto Cop Joins Coinbase’s Law Firm

Robert A. Cohen will join corporate law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell as partner after 15 years with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

via CoinDesk

Ransomware Attack Hits More Than 20 Texas Local Governments

By The Associated Press via NYT U.S.

Pieter Wuille Unveils ‘Miniscript,’ A New Smart Contract Language for Bitcoin

Smart contracts could soon get a boost in bitcoin as prominent programmer Pieter Wuille has unveiled a new coding language designed specifically for their use. Posted to the bitcoin developer mailing list Monday, the ‘Miniscript’ language aims to make it easier for programmers to write up “smart contracts” or conditions for spending bitcoins. Programmers Wuille, Andrew […]

via CoinDesk

Messari Disclosures Registry Tops 50 Cryptocurrencies With 10 New Additions

Ten projects – including Cardano, Lisk and Beam – joined the Messari Disclosures Registry on Tuesday in a bid to foster transparency.

via CoinDesk

Blockchain Firm Veritaseum Calls for Assets to Be Unfrozen in SEC Response

Veritaseum has officially responded to the SEC's claims it sold illegal securities and called for its funds to be unfrozen to protect investors.

via CoinDesk